Chapter 46

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"Would you pick me a dress?" I say to Harry.

"You want me to pick you a dress?" He grins.

I nod.

"Okay." He smiles and goes towards my wardrobe. He shuffles some of my clothes, "aha!"

"Which one did you pick?" I ask trying to see what he is doing.

"This." He holds out a black dress. It's not too short and it's elegant. It's more like a formal wear.

"This? I was thinking something more casual." I snort.

"Casual you say. Hmmmm...." He again starts to shuffle my clothes.

Ah the sight of him, going through my clothes all flustered is amazing. He is like a 5 year old kid who doesn't know which ice cream does he want.

"How about this?" This time he has chosen a black short and a white T-shirt. Yes, that more like it styles.

"Yes!" I clap my hands on his success.

"Okay, now turn around so that I can wear it." I take the clothes from him.

He pouts but do as I say.


"Yes." He says still turned around.

"Would you hand me....that." I point to my Chest of drawers where I keep my undergarments.

"Sure." He smiles and opens the second drawer.

"You want this?" He holds out my straightening iron.

"No. Hahaha" I laugh," the 3rd drawer."

"Oh." He opens the third drawer.

I flush. Harry styles going through my underwear !

"Well, I think you should wear this one." He chooses a pink and black lace panties and black lace Bra. Oh Harry!

I flush and take them from him.

"Okay, turn around." I say quietly.



"Okay." He shakes his head.

I quickly remove the towel and wear my underwear and my clothes. Struggling and holding I put on my shorts.

"Done." I sigh. He turns around and cocks his head to one side. Staring and gazing at me he comes forward and leans over me.

"You make me so Happy." He whispers, his lips inches away from mine. His breath touching my skin.

He leans forward, his lips barely touch mine and we hear a horn.

"Uhh that must be them." He pulls away.

"It's time to go then huh?." I sigh and pick at my nails.

"Hey, I'm not leaving yet. I'll still be in London. I'll call you every minute but you gotta get a phone for that." He cups my chin.

"Right." I say softly. He kisses me. Short and sweet.

"I'll see you off." I try to stand up.

"no no no. You are not moving from here." He makes me sit again.

"There is no way I'm saying goodbye to you and the boys from up here." I protest.



"Fine, then I'll take you downstairs."

"Take m.." I squeal as He lifts me in his arms.

"Harry!" I squirm

"You wanted to come down." He smirks.

He carry's me all way to the front door and places me down on the floor still holding me from my waist and I have my arms around his neck. He opens the door.

"Hey!" All the boys scream in unison.

"Hi Boys!. " I wave at them from my threshold.

"Alright, you saw them, wished them. Now let's go inside." His tone is serious.


"Av. Don't make me angry now."

Ohh! Angry Harry.


He takes me inside and I sit on the couch and look at him like a 7 year old who's getting scold for losing his toy.

"If you need anything, anything, Av , you call me. Alright?"

"Yeah,yeah. I got it."

"Okay." He kisses me on the forehead, waves and leaves.

Ah he worries so much. My Harry. Ahhhh...

I sit on my sofa, flipping through channels. I try to move my leg. It still hurts but it's much better. I think I can walk.

I limp my way to the kitchen and put some hot water in one if those heating pads. I put it gently on my injury and relax. It is relieving. I close my eyes and rest.

My door bell rings at 3:00pm . It's a mailman.

"There is a delivery for Ms. Aviana Carson?"

"Yeah. That's me."

"Can just sign here and this is your mail mam."

"Who sent this?"

"It's from Mr. Harry styles Mam."

Harry? Why would Harry send me a mail?

"Oh okay. Thank you."

Limping I reach the couch and open the box. What!?

It's an iPhone! What!? Harry!? Oh my god!

It rings and it says Harry on the screen.

"Hey!" I cheer up.

"Hi babe. Did you like your gift?"

"Harry, you didn't have to do this."

"Ah yes I did. I wanted to talk to you."

"I could've bought a phone in a couple of days."

"Yeah, I couldn't wait, a couple of days."

"Uh thank you for this."

"Don't thank me. I did this for me. Now I can......"

I hear brakes and screams.

"Shit! Harry!.....Are you okay mate!?.......are you fuckin crazy man?!..... C'mon we gotta..." And the call ends.

"What?! Harry?! What happened!, hello!" I panic. Shit! What happened? Is he okay? Oh my god!

(A/N: next chapter coming morrow xx.)

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