Chapter 2: Lost and Found

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Do you believe in fate? Do you believe in soul mates? I used to believe such things like that do exist... until I learnt that everything occurs in our life is simply coincidence, a result of a domino game.

Sometimes, people just need to get hurt once to finally see how cruel the reality we're living in is.

2019, 2015, 4 years, it has been that long since the last time I saw Keii... I have been drowning in the idea. 'Ah, I think of him again... you should really give up, he didn't call you then, he won't call you now. You have an appointment with the editor in 3 hours, you should really get ready' this time the editor wants me to write about some sort of LGBT story with another writer but he didn't told me who.

After 3 hours, I arrives, now standing in front of the meeting room. After all the years, I still feel the pressure of failing the expectation in myself and others. Taking a deep breath and I open the door, there's the publisher Joshua Lee and the other writer who I am about to working with, the one who I can't mistake for anyone else, and he's a popular one. The name Kato Shigeaki, the name connect to the name of the past, he is Keii's best friend. But somehow the way he looks at me, he doesn't seem to recognize me at all.

'What a relief'

"Hello, Joshua-san, I'll be in your favor" I says to him then turns to Shige-san "Nice to meet you, Kato-san. I'll be in your favor"

We shake hands, greeting a bit then go straight to the subject. Joshua-san begins, "(Y/N)-san, you and Kato-san will work together in the time period of 3 weeks to give me the whole story of the LGBT, is it alright with you guys?"

We nod, "then it is settled. Do your works; meet me here in 3 weeks. Good luck to both of you. I'll go first. It's a pleasure to work with you Kato-san." He shakes Kato-san's hand, then turns to me "you too, (Y/N)-san" and do the same before he head out of the meeting room.

The room fills with silence, I take a deep breath, try not to ask him about Keii-chan.

"Ah, Kato-san, what type of LGBT should we write?" he scratches his neck before answers, "What do you think about bi-gender? Should we try writing it? I have been thinking of trying new things lately"

"Actually, that would be an interesting story. So we will go with bi-gender then. I'm thinking of writing some part of the bi-gender's life. Like there will be some characters have influences on his romance life, in the end, one of those characters will be the one who he loved for the rest of his lifetime. What do you think about it?" I'm getting a bit excited about the subject, I hope he won't mind. He chuckles a bit

"That's an interesting plot, (Y/N)-san. We can work on that, I'm looking forward to working with (Y/N)-san" he smiles cheerfully. "I'm sorry (Y/N)-san, but I have to meet the manager later. Are you free this Thursday? I don't have any schedule that day; we can work on this in the coffee store nearby if you want too." He looks at me apologetically.

"Sure, then we'll meet on Thursday then" I smiles at him, "I'll contact with you through SNS later about the characters later. I'm looking forward to working with you too, Kato-san. Send your group my regards"

After that we split. I am at the front door of the company, waiting for the taxi to come. I see a familiar car, it is his car. The car stops in front of me, the glass goes down reveals the face I never thought I could see again. Koyama, he is in shock, he doesn't know what to say.

"Hi" I says, "Long time no see, Keii-Chan" the last part is smaller than usual.

There is a silence between us, before he talks

"Hi (Y/N)-Chan, it really has been a long time."

'Are we going to go back to the days before?'

I was going to say something, but Shige-san appears behind me.

"Hey Keii-Chan, I was busied talking to the manager. How long have you been waiting?" Kato-san smiles widely, when I looks at Koyama, he still looks at me, he makes me feel weak again, the guilt from the day is crawling back at me. "Not long, hurry up if you don't want to be late for the recording", Keii-Chan finally says to Kato-san.

"(Y/N)-san, goodbye, I will contact you later" then Kato-san gets in the car. Keii-Chan looks at me, it's still those round brown chocolate eyes, and I can't read what's on his mind anymore. I smiles bitterly at him


After Koyama's car disappears out my sight, the taxi came. In the car, I looks out on the street, it is raining, the sky is cloudy like my mood right now, complicated. People are rushing to find a place to run from the rain, rushing home, rushing to works. These sights always make me feel empty about myself. I tell the car to stop when it comes near my flat. I wants to enjoy the rain a bit. When everyone carry umbrellas, I'm the only who don't. The raindrops fall continuously on my face, wash away my tiredness, and hopefully wash away my guilt and pain. In the pouring rain, there is a girl who crying silently, the girl was me. I see a shadow in front of me, as I looks up, I see a painful look on Koyama's face, and he is holding the umbrella over my head. Still he same brown sweet eyes I ends up drowning in.

"Why are you here?" I asks, confusingly looking in his eyes.

'I've missed you'

"I... was looking for you..."

He looks at me, when our eyes met; the withered flowers in my heart begins to bloom again... I wonders if he felt the same. The cold rain is still pouring, yet there is something warm in my heart. We just stand there, before I says

"It was nice seeing you again, Keii-Chan"

I smiles, he seems shock but he return a smile back

"It's nice to be back with you, (Y/N)-Chan" he take a step forward, pull me into his arms, hug me tightly.

There're butterflies and fireworks. I wraps my hands around his back, crying out loud and he's soothing me. The love that I have been looking for, for years is coming back to me.

We were lost,  but in the end, whatever are ours, always be ours.

And just like that we find each other again; the princess found her prince. The play of Fate has come to an end.

"You're my precious baby, so precious
Can't stop thinking of you, only you
Because you're right in the middle of my heart, everyday, every time, Forever"

The End

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