Just feeling sick...?

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You wake up at 4:30 AM, and you feel like death.

Well, maybe it's just some vomiting. You can be a bit over dramatic sometimes. But it still sucks.

The misery you felt right now was starkly contrasted by how wonderful yesterday was. Your dearest, darling Leorio was finally home - back from a 2 month trip to the Dark Continent. He was volunteering his medical expertise to help serve the residents of the area. While his generous spirit was one of the sexiest things about him, you missed him greatly.

But speaking of sexy... once he finally got back, you were well and truly reunited with your lover. Many, many times.

You flush even thinking about it. Then another wave of nausea comes on and - wait, wait, oh god last night you and Leorio-

"(Y/N)?" You're interrupted by a familiar, husky, sensual voice. Leorio must have heard you heaving. You feel sorry for having woken him, but thankful for his presence. Especially considering your dawning realization. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"Throwing up," you reply. You aren't turned to face him, but you know him well enough to guess his reaction - his doctor switch has been flipped.

"Why didn't you wake me?!?" He asks. "Okay, sit tight, I'll go get the Phenergan®."

Fear bubbled inside of you. You knew that if you were pregnant or planning to become pregnant (which may now apply) that you should talk to a doctor before using Phenergan® to find out if it's right for you.

"Okay babe, got the Phenergan®. Lemme see-"

The worst of your nausea seemingly behind you, deep down you know it's time to talk.

"Can you wait a sec?" You say. He respectfully does, but seems worried. "I - uh, as a doctor, would you recommend the use of Phenergan® for a patient who may be pregnant?"

"Hm... there are pros and cons to weigh, but - WAIT!" He looks towards you, wide-eyed and reverent. "Do you think? Are you...?"

"I'm not sure. But we did, you know... last night..."

"I mean... from a medical standpoint, that seems like the most logical outcome. Pregnancy does happen fast. Sorry, I'm just - " he brushes his hand through his hair, "overwhelmed? I mean, it's really exciting - oh but - obviously if you want to terminate the pregnancy I'll support that decision, it's -"

"Relax," you tell him.

"That's my line."

"Well, we should probably get a pregnancy test first. Then we can think about that."

"Yeah, yeah, that's a good idea. I'll go to the 24 hour pharmacy and pick some up - you stay here in case you get sick again. Can I get you anything else while I'm out?" Even when he's frantic, Leorio is always thinking of you.

He would be a really good dad, you think. This isn't the first time you've thought this.

"Uh, maybe some of those fancy chocolates? The Ferrari Roches?" You don't really know why you ask for these, but you always eye them at the pharmacy but can't really justify buying them. You feel okay justifying them now.

"Sure thing! Okay, I'll be going now-"

"Sexy as you are, dear, I think you should probably put a shirt on before going out," you regretfully tell him.

"Oh shit, yea." He looks embarrassed slightly, but quickly pulls on the souvenir he just bought: a shirt that says 'I Went To The Dark Continent And All I Got Was This Stupid T-shirt'. "Love you, hon."

"Love you too."


30 minutes later, you munch on a Ferrero Rocher as you wait on the results of the pregnancy test. Leorio also bought you some ginger ale to help with the nausea.

"So, I've been thinking..." you say.

"Mhm?" He's so genuinely interested in what you have to say - attentive, even at this chaotic time.

"I mean, we've both agreed that we wanted to start a family eventually. Now is a bit sooner than we expected, but... I'd be lying if I said this didn't feel right. We've financially stable enough to support a kid, and I know we're emotionally ready too. You seemed excited about it, and if you're all in, then I'd be all in."

He sobs. You weren't really expecting that, but everybody processes stuff in their own way. "(Y/N)... I'm gonna be a dad? We're gonna be parents? We're gonna have a baby?"


"I guess we'll find out now."

After all this anticipation, you start to worry - what if it's just a stomach bug? What if you've gotten excited all for nothing?

"Let's look at it together," Leorio says. You nod your head. "Count us down?"

"3, 2, 1..."

A plus sign stares right back at you. A positive result.

"WE'RE GOING TO BE PARENTS, (Y/N)!" He squeals. His smile is wobbly and wide. He picks you up and spins you around, as he sings your praises into your shoulder - you're wonderful, you're amazing, you're perfect.

"We're gonna have a baby!"

"Oh man, we've got so much ahead of us! We ought to start a registry - and oh, we'll need to convert the spare room into a nursery! And baby names, and-"

You just kiss him. True - you do have a lot ahead of you. But you're a team. You know that you can handle it. For now, you just enjoy this moment. 

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