The rise of the Drogo

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A breeze whizzed past Sandra Drogo as she sat on her chair and looked out through the window. She was an intelligent girl and always wondered about what lies beyond the gates of her home, The Drakartha. She had never been past the gates, but all the wonderful thoughts flew away as she heard some noise outside her room. The hall of the Drogo has always been a  silent place, where her ancestor's where painted on the wall. She took her gun, a hymorth and went out with her arms ready for action at any moment. She moved with her guard and went out but whatever she saw, left nothing but pain on her face. The beautiful eyes of the young lively girl suddenly seemed lifeless, the confidence of her arms looked betrayed. Lady Sandra Drogo woke up from the terrible dreams of her past. She had not got a second's sleep the whole night. She would have been lucky if this was just the day's event. She was afraid of the night because the night was never kind to her. Sleep eluded her. She felt like a zombie, alive but not really alive. She moved away from her husband's arm and walked out to the hall. 

 Her son Zeneda Maligus was sitting on the dining table. She sat beside him and asked "what is wrong,  my son? Does sleep elude you too?" The young man of twenty looked at his mother and said"I can't get my mind of the boy. He was so young, so innocent, yet father had taken his head off. I don't know if I can sleep if we are just murderers. " The young lady patted her son and told him "You are the son of Arkarius Malignus. The Malignus are the lords of the drug cartels and a weak heart will get you nowhere my son. The boy could not keep his mouth shut, He deserved what he got. Now go and get some sleep."Zeneda didn't look happy but he obeyed his mother and went forward to his room to get any sleep he can. He entered his room and laid on his bed. He thought to himself "When will this misery ever end. When will I be a normal person? When can I ever explore this world?"He looked at his paintings, the only thing that ever let him feel normal and happy. Minutes and hours flew before the young lord slept. but sleep did not last long for him. Mysterious sounds outside his room woke him up. He heard sounds of gunshots, swords and the cry of men. He remembered some of the voices. Someone was in pain or that was what he thought. He was about to exit his room when his mother entered with a reassuring look on her face. She was followed by a few people he didn't recognize. He was about to take his gun out when his hand was shot by one of the men. The young man bled and looked at his mother in pain. But to his surprise, she was smiling. 

 She told the men in a commanding voice to seize her boy.  she took out a dagger from her belt. He could hear her say "Guns will not do me enough justice, Only a dagger can". The dagger pierced his heart. There was no motherly love in her face. But deep in her eyes, one might see the pain of the mother too. But it was so far deep that it was almost non-existent.  his face was not the same. He could not believe that the mother whom he trusted with his life just put a knife through him. Blood pushed out along with her dagger. The boy uttered his last words to the only woman he ever loved "Why would you. Mother?" and closed his eyes and left his mother with his lifeless body.

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