The assassin's job

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Meanwhile, far from the east, far from Drakartha, in the centurius in the islands of the blue crust, Sean Hamilton was sitting on the 'chair for the one' with his queen Claire Malignus, the daughter of Arkarius Malignus. Master Flindolf came forward and spoke to the king of the world who ironically the people of the world didn't know. "My king Sean Hamilton, My eyes and ears have confirmed to me that Lech Machado of the island of the green center, The first of the thirteen islands, plans to invade the lands of Tron of Winchester. A war is imminent, Lech Machado wants to be the ruler of all the lands of the islands. I have word that his army will make their move by the end of the month. What would you like us to do my king?". The young king dressed in a long suit and protected by a hall full of armed guards did not look pleased. His queen Claire was not interested in the politics of the shadow government. She was murmuring to her maiden about something and was smiling. 

The young king spoke after a few moments of silence "Lech Machado's army is being fed and armed thanks to the money I give him, Every army in the thirteen islands are still surviving due to what I pay them, War would be terrible for my incomes, the banks of the Maestros, jewelry of the Falforth, the industries of The Ignorus, our farms will all suffer. The only people who might earn more are the drug cartels of the Malignus" he said looking at his young queen who gave a surprised grin through her pretty face. The next lines he spoke was as loud as the reptiles of Cassandra. "I will not have any man do what I don't want them to do. Do we have someone in the ranks who will replace Lech after his death master Flindolf?". Master Flindolf, a wise old man looked at his assistant and discussed something of importance before telling the king  "yes my king". The king stopped him from talking any further and said: "Bring Mr. Francis, the leader of the Iron to me". The Guards at the door of centurius walked out in swift fashion and came back with a tall, ugly looking man who had his head covered by the hoodie he was wearing. He knelt in front of the king and the king said"I want you to assassinate Lech Machado of the first of the thirteen islands, Make it look like he was killed by Gregor toron, the heir of the island. Our man is third in power isn't it Master Flintolf?". Flintolf nodded in agreement but his face was one of surprise at the knowledge of his king. Francis took his gun out and said "Lech shall be taken care of as soon as we can, My king " and kept the gun on the floor and touched his head on the floor of the Centurius. 

On the same day, Lech Machado walked out of his room to the balcony and looked out to the twenty thousand men in front him shouting his name and said"My men, Our island of the green center , such a beautiful place have always been the last priority for our leaders. They never gave us anything we want. They never listened to us, never paid us, never respected us. When you don't get the respect you deserve fear is the only tool left to be used. Its time for us to be feared, To be", A loud gunshot echoed around them all. The commoners ran in fear, The soldiers looked around for the gun that caused the havoc. But Lech Machado stopped speaking as blood ran down his head. His assistants ran in the echoes of the shouting to him and tried to assist him." call a doctor" they could be heard saying. But it was too late as Lech Machado and his ambitions died with him.

A man in the library opposite the palace was seen running with a long gun to the exits. A few men of Lech spotted the suspect and ran after him. The man ran down to the second floor and was greeted by four of Lech's men. He said"I did this for Gregor Toron, I just obeyed his command. Leave me alone." But the soldiers had other thoughts in their mind, one of them ran outside to tell the news of the betrayal by Gregor Toron to the people. The assassin did not give much of a fight to the soldiers and was taken a  prisoner to the angry and scared crowd outside. They said, "we have the murderer, It's Gregor Toron's man".Gregor Toron who was inside the palace during the tragedy was dragged outside by the people. The man cried saying he had nothing to do with it and pleading his innocence but the crowd decided otherwise and threw stones at him one after the other along with the assassin. Both the men were taken to the top of the stage to be killed by the soldiers. Two men held daggers to the neck of both men but before they could do anything they fell down unconscious, a third assassin seemed imminent and the crowd panicked again. The assassin was pulled down by someone in the crowd among all the noise. The assassin was never seen again. But Gregor Toron had no luck. The crowd raged against him for killing the man who gave them dreams and he was beheaded in front of the market. 

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