「Just once..?」

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Shigaraki scoffed as he entered the main living area

"What is it now toga?" He asked, annoyance clear in his tone

"Well~" she started

"Oi, the hell you wake me up for" dabi grunted, leaning against the door frame

"Will you shut up and let me explain?!" Toga huffed

Dabi simply raised his hands in mock surrender and nodded

"Giri-Giri said we were low on practical items. Like groceries, toiletries, gunpowder, doorknobs" she looked at shigaraki who simply shrugged and tied his hair into a loose messy bun before taking a sip of his water

The flame user grunted "and what's that have to do with me?"

"Shut up I'm getting to that" She hissed but her angry unstable expression was immediately replaced by a sweet smile

"We're taking a trip to the mall! Like a family!"

"Family..?-" Shiga' mumbled to himself, rubbing at his neck in an attempt to stop himself from scratching it

"Mhm!~ Twicey is gonna come with me to the bank for a quick cash grab while Giri-Giri takes the two of you to the main parts of the mall!" Toga giggled at dabis startled expression

"What about compress and spinner? Not that I care about them!" Twice asked- or rather debated from his spot on the couch

"Spinner is on disguise duty and watching the house while compress is gathering new clothing from the stalls across the street" she informed rather quickly

Toga turned to Shigaraki with a curious look

"Nervous Handy Man?" He shrugged

"I don't like going out"

"It'll just be this once!" Toga chirped

"Just once..?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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