Chapter 2

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I got to the Palace feeling nervous and excited at the same time, excited because I finally got a job to support my family and nervous because I don't know what to expect from the job.

I was directed by the chauffeur to go knock on a huge door, it was answered by an older woman.

"May I help you Miss..."

"Brown. My name is Malia Brown,the new maid"

" You are welcome my dear,come in. My name is Tiffany"

I entered the Palace and was immediately shocked by how beautiful it was. I had never seen anything like this before. It was so magnificent.

Most of the things in the house were made of glass which I knew no matter how hard i work i can never be able to afford it.

Tiffany showed me around the whole palace and also showed me to my room which was ready at the servant quarters and briefed my job to me . She told me that I was supposed to meet the King and Queen but I couldn't for now because they were out on a vacation probably when they are get back.

My job was to be at the Prince's beck and call who would be arriving very soon from college and also to assist in various chores around the Palace.

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I bought a plane ticket as soon as I was done with my exams I missed dad and mum so much I couldn't wait  to see them.

The morning for my flight came and my roommate from college offered to drive to the airport, I was really grateful because I had relieved my personal driver the day before .I  got to the airport ten minutes to my flight and quickly checked in and immediately I sat on the soft chair of the plane I feel asleep.

I refused my parent offer to send a private jet,I wanted to experience a life of a normal kid.

I landed and I realized how much I missed my home, my kingdom Haditla.

It was a small country but one of the richest in the world,it was known near and wide for it's vast production of crude oil. A car was already waiting for me as soon as I got out of the airport. I got in and I was driven straight home.

I got to the front of the Palace and as usual all the maid and guard were lined up outside with there heads bowed to welcome me.

I responded to their greetings as I walked pass them to greet my parents when my eyes fell upon the most beautiful girl have ever seen in my life.

She had the longest black hair,shiny skin, long eyelashes, beautiful lips, ugh she was a perfection. I walked past her hurriedly before I was noticed by anyone that I was drooling over a maid.

"Hi mum, hi Dad, i missed you guys so much" I said hugging them.

"We missed you too my dear,you must be really tired,go freshen up and rest,we will catch up later,don't forget to come down later for dinner"my mum said smiling as she pecked my cheeks.

" Okay mum" I replied

My mum was right I was entirely spent from the journey and went straight to my room, took a warm bath and jumped on my bed to take a quick nap.

"Home sweet home" I said before dozing off.

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