Chapter 25

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"What!!" I watched as Anderson handed the priest the wedding certificate, who checked it with scrutiny and confirmed to the whole church that it was true.

Dizziness came over me as gasped and whispers filled the whole  church.

What has Anderson done now? Why does he keep ruining my plans? How could he walt in here with fake documents and make everyone believe it is real? How could he make my happy day turn into sadness?.

I scanned the room and saw it was practically empty, Martin stood still unable to process what had just happened, Anderson glared at me with a triumph smirk. My mum and sister where talking to the guest trying to make them understand something is wrong somewhere that their daughter won't pull a stunt as to marrying two different men. That is the last I remembered before I blacked out.

At home

I have been crying non stop, what happened at the wedding is embarrassing, humiliating luckily my mum and sister are both here to console me while the kids are both asleep after asking lots of questions I didn't know how to answer.

"Anderson left while you were asleep he had something urgent to attend to he was really worried about you"my mum said.

" I don't want to hear his name not after the stupid stunt he pulled. I mean how could he lie about......"

Knock knock

"Come in" I said in a groggily voice

I saw Martin enter the room looking all calm and collected.
I won't lie,I hadn't expected Martin to act this way,I thought he would start screaming at me.

He walked towards me,sat on the bed and hugged me tightly

"Martin,I swear the certificate is fake,why would I want to marry someone that hurt me so badly"I started crying

"'s okay I believe you"

" You do?"

"Of course I do,I guess the way forward is having a very private wedding where only our family members will be present"

" That is not going to happen"a voice said.

We both looked up to see who it was

How did he manage to get in here,oh I forgot mum and Gina let themselves out so the door was unlocked

"What do you think you are doing here,get out right now"

He ignores me as he walks majestically into the room

"I am here to see MY wife and take her back to where she belongs"

" What is that suppose to mean"Martin shouted

" She and my kids going back to my kingdom Haditla with me . I told my parents about the kids and they want to meet them"

" I told you they are not your kids" I yelled

" Don't be yelling at me Malia. Anyways DNA test doesn't lie"

He pulled out a brown envelope from his suit pocket and threw it on the bed for me to see,I opened it and found out in shock that he got a DNA test done without my permission.

The nerve of this man.

"How dare you touch my kids without my permission"

"They are my kids to baby" he winked at me
" Now stand up and start packing ,Haditla is a far country"

" Get out right now I don't want to see your face"I shouted

"How wrong you are if you think am leaving this place without you and my kids"

He brought out another envelope

" That envelope contains a law suit against you that say if you do not want to go to Haditla with me ,I am free to go with the kids with or without your permission and if you do anything to stop us you would be arrested and put behind bars"he said hardly.

" What!!" I said in shock.

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