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Oh my god, my hands are getting sweaty, what If she wants to shake my hand? She will probably think that it's disgusting. Okay, Jennie, calm down, you got this. I should tap the door or I won't be on time, but before knocking on the door I should check my appearance. I take my phone and I start looking at myself...well, I look good, well, to be honest, I look hot as fuck. I shouldn't worry too much about meeting her, but here I am having a gay panic and I haven't even seen her yet. Okay, now for real I will tap the door. When I knock on the door I start singing in my head, "Knock knock knock knock knock on my door". My thoughts are interrupted when someone opens the door. WoW, I think I have fallen in love, she is so cute, she looks like a chipmunk, I just want to squeeze her chubby cheeks. They have told me that she is younger than me, but she is at least 10cm taller than me, this is not fair, why everyone is taller than me? Well, I will stop complaining and keep looking at her. She is tall and thin, her eyes are brown and her hair is dyed in a...well...I'm not very sure how to describe it, is like orange, but like muted. She is wearing a shirt which is quite big, but that just makes her more adorable, at this point, I can't think straight.


I'm waiting for my new manager when someone knocks the door. "Oh, she must be her" I stand up and I open the door. My jaw drops, oh my god, she is going to be my new manager? She is gorgeous. I'm trying to look calm when I notice that she has been looking at me for a long time, so I decide to start talking.

-Hi, I'm Rosé! But you can call me Chaeyoung or whatever you want. You must be my new manager. What's your name?

-Jennie, but you can call me anytime-she says while she winks at me- and if you don't mind I will call you Rosie- she finishes with a smirk on her face.

I start blushing so hard, I'm sure that I look like a tomato right now.

I don't know how long I have been staring at her, I think I should say something, but I don't know what to say. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes from my mouth, I closed it again.


When she opened her mouth I thought she was going to say something, but she has closed it again. I can't blame her, my answer was a little bit flirty, but her reaction was too cute. However, I will apologize, because she seems like she has stop functioning.

-Hey...I'm sorry about earlier, but you looked so cute and I couldn't hold back and probably you have heard that pick-up line which is very lame.

-Oh, don't worry, there is no need to apologize-she says shaking her hands as if it was nothing.-I didn't see that coming, that's all, but you shouldn't flirt that easily with people- as soon as she finishes she starts pouting.


-Lucky you, you are the only one who I have flirt with and please stop pouting you are going to melt my heart- I say dramatically while I am putting my hands on my heart.


After seeing Jennie act in a silly way I can't help, but laugh. I like her, she is nice, I hope that she is a good manager too, talking about that I think we should arrange my timetable.

-Hey, Jennie is not that I don't enjoy talking with you, but we should start planning how we are going to work.

-Sure, but you will have to explain to me some things, I'm new so I will be a little bit lost- she smiles me sheepishly.

-That won't be a problem- I assure her.

I turn around and go to my desk where are some papers and I take all of them, then I go back where Jennie is. Then we start planning some things, after an hour we finish everything. tomorrow I have to pick you from your house at 9 AM and then we have to be at the fan signing at 10 AM, Have I miss anything?-She says with a hesitating tone.

-No, you got it all right.-I answer her clapping.

After hearing that she is grinning at me.

-Well, I should be going, bye.-she says waving her hand.

-Byeee, see you tomorrow- I answer her happily.

When she exits the room I take my phone, and I start typing. "Hey Lisa, I have met my new manager, when you have time please call me, we have a lot of to catch up, and you have to tell me how was your date with that girl, her name was Jisoo right?"


While I am walking I text my friend. "Hey Jisoo unnie, are you free this evening? I want to tell you some things and you have to tell me how was your date with that girl from Thailand". I start walking to my house, while I am thinking about my new job, I'm sure that right now I have a goofy smile on my face, but I don't care.

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