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The pair had made themselves comfortable in Jungkooks bed, covered in heavy blankets and ready to watch a movie.

They hadn't planned to watch a movie, but Jungkooks original plan of just eating MacDonald's didn't take up the whole day, surprisingly.

«Do you want some snacks?» Jungkook asked, already standing up from his bed. Taehyung hummed and began scanning Netflix for movies to watch.

Jungkook left the room and Taehyung was left alone. He decided he would ask Jungkook what he wanted to watch when he returned.

Taehyung dropped the Apple TV remote and looked around the room.

It was cute. Kind of big, but it still looked cozy. He thought Jungkooks posters were cute. He saw a few pictures of Jungkook and Namjoon on his wardrobe.

Taehyungs eyes drifted to his closet, with one of the closet doors slightly open, he could see something poking out, ready to be pulled out.

He probably shouldn't, it was an invasion of privacy. Plus is kinda rude to look through peoples stuff.

So Taehyung walked over to the closet. When he opened the door he gasped.

«Jungkook!!» he screamed.

Loud, fast steps were heard and a frightened Jungkook stormed into the room, with two bags of chips in his hands.

«What? What happened??» he said concerned. Taehyung looked at the item, at a loss for words.

Jungkook happened to catch a glance of whatever Taehyung was staring at, a bit difficult since Taehyungs back was facing him, and covering parts of the object.

Jungkooks eyed widened. He gulped. Taehyung turned around to face the other.

«You lied to me!» he exlaimed, pointing a finger at Jungkook accusingly. Jungkook hands went up in a defensive position.

«I didn't!» he quickly said. Taehyung shook his head and picked up the Deku body pillow.

«You said you didn't have a body pillow,» he said, faking his offended state. He held up the pillow, pointing at it, «but I'm pretty sure that this, is a body pillow.»

Jungkook sighed and relaxed his posture. «I said I didn't have a Todoroki body pillow» he mumbled.

Taehyung scoffed, «It's the same fuckin thing, you liar!» he laughed and threw the pillow at Jungkook.

Jungkook caught the pillow just in time as he smiled and quickly threw it back at Taehyung with triple the force.

Taehyung wasn't as fast as Jungkook and it hit his face. He let out a shriek and fell to the ground, covering his face.

Jungkooks smile fell immediately as he went to check on his boyfriend. He quickly crouched down beside him and carefully removed Taehyungs hands from his face.

Jungkook saw Taehyung smirk for a split second before something hit his face, hard.

Jungkook fell back on his ass and chuckled a humorless chuckle. He made eye contact with Taehyung and his eyes went dark. Taehyung gulped.

«You've asked for it now.» he said coldly as he lunged over to grab Taehyung.

Taehyung screamed and dodged his attack, barely. He ran out of the bedroom and heard Jungkook yell a «Come back!» but you bet your ass he kept running.

This cat and mouse game went on for a few minutes. With Jungkook trying to snatch Taehyung.

Being the extra asses they are, they ran un top of furniture, they almost ruined furniture.

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