Getting To Know the Nerds

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Picture of Felix above
(Chase's P.O.V)

School gets let out at 3:20 but basketball practice doesn't end till 4.

Once practice ended Felix and I grabbed our stuff and hopped into his car. I sent our group my address as Felix spend off to my house. Felix spent the entire 10 minute ride to my house singing at the top of his lungs while I starred out the window thinking about our group.

They were a very lively bunch that loved to joke and mess around, but they were also fairly smart and hard working, or at least from what he could tell. Not that he would admit, he was actually excited to get to know them more. He could only hope they were too.

When we finally arrived at my house, we immediately headed to a bathroom for a quick shower. Felix and I smelled of pure sweat. Basketball practice was getting long and hard to the point were we were drenched in sweat not even halfway through the practice. Some days practice made we want to jump off a cliff.

As I got into the shower I turned on the warm water and let it run as I stripped off my sweat drenched clothing. I stepped into the shower and let the warm water run down my body. I moaned in relief as my muscles began to relax. My shower was quick, but refreshing. I dried myself off and made my way to my room. I pulled out a pair of sweats and a black long sleeved T-shirt.

As soon as I finished getting dressed the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of our group.

I made my way over to the front door, unlocking it. Scarlet with a large smile on her face and Oscar who looked very tired stood outside. I stepped aside and welcomed them into my home.

"Wow your house is so big and nice! A lot roomier than my place" Stated Scarlet as she scanned my house.

"It's much cleaner than mine" Oscar said bluntly.

I chuckled as I walked into my kitchen that was connected to the living room.

"I can be a bit of a clean freak from time to time"

"That's an understatement!" Felix emerged from the bathroom in the hallway wearing a pair of black basketball shorts and a blue T-shirt.

"I've seen this guy scrub his house like a maniac! I swear if he could he would bleach the whole house"

"At least my room doesn't look like it was hit with a tornado after a tsunami, and eventually followed by a dust storm"

Instead of replying Felix pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. He then plopped him self down on the reclining chair.

"Meanie" he pouted sticking out his tongue.

Scarlet started laughing, almost in tears, while Oscar lightly chuckled.

"You two are hilarious" said an out of breath Scarlet.

"It's just easy to tease him, anyway you guys make yourselves at home. Do you want anything to drink?"

Scarlet sat in the corner of my couch with Oscar placing himself right next to her.

"I'll just have water" said Oscar.

"Do you have orange juice by any chance" asked Scarlet.

"Yeah. How about you Felix?"


I rustled through my kitchen and grabbed one glass of water, a glass of orange juice, a bottle of Powerade, and a glass of apple juice... for myself, don't judge me.

I placed all of the drinks on the coffee table in the middle of the living room and sat down on the love seat in the corner of the room, with my apple juice in hand.

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