Sam Francis Kiszka

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You were sitting on the tour bus bored out of your mind. It was a driving day where all day you had to sit on a stupid tour bus with four complete immature idiots. You have already read a lot of literature today and you couldn't stand to look at another E.E Cummings poem or Walt Whitman. You also have already colored and did puzzles. You didn't like going on your phone much because, you liked to exercise your mind and you didn't like technology that much beside to listen to music but, even that you use vinyl. You decided to break out the old string and make some bracelets. You new you were going to need a back up plan for when you were bored. Braiding bracelets take forever but, once you start making one you can't stop. You go over to the table in the kitchen and place your string and get some scissors. As you start un wrapping all the string you hear the boys getting up from there 3 hour nap they had to have. Jake and Danny immediately go to the fridge while your boyfriend Sam and Josh sit at the table with you. "Babe really what are you doing thats so 2000's." he said with a smirk on his face. "Well if you guys weren't so busy sleeping I would have other things to do besides resort to this" you shot back with an evil smirk. He motioned you to sit on his lap so you scooted over and did so. You turn your head so your noses where touching. He leaned in and kissed you, it wasn't a peck but, it wasn't a makeout. Damn he was so hot. As you guys dragged on kissing his hand went to your bum and your hand rested on his chest. You would put your hand in his hair but, last time that happened your hand got stuck in there. It started to get extremely heated and you could feel something poking at you from Sam. "Hmm I wonder if they notice that were in a fucking bus and that there is not much space in here and you have no where to hide when y/n and Sam have their needs" Jake says in an annoyed voice. You and Sam pull away at the same time and just gave Jake the biggest death glare. "Hey honey can you show me how to braid or whatever the fuck your doing with the string" he asks "Babe aren't you a bass player you should know how to work with strings. Or maybe Jake can show you since he is a string kind of guy" you say giving Jake the biggest smirk. "Hahaha Im so glad I don't say stupid stuff like Jake so y/n cant use it against me. This girl remembers everything" Josh says laughing at what you said about Jake. "Okay Mr. I play the vocals because I cant play an instrument" you say as all the guys start laughing at what you said. Josh just gives you the dirtiest looks ever. "I think Danny is the only one who doesn't say dumb shit like that. Now that I think about it maybe its a Kiszka thing" you smile as you and Danny smile at each other. "Yeah you know what y/n Im so glad i am not a brother " he smiled. You then proceed to show Sam how to braid. And trust me it was a difficult, his hands were just so fucking big and his fingers were so long. So you ditched it and laid in Sam's bunk while he read you your favorite pieces from F. Scott Fitzgerald.        

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