Chapter 25

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I hang up the phone before she can object, already on my way to my garage. Grabbing my helmet, I strap it on before climbing on my bike. The engine revs  to life before I speed out of there as fast as I can to get to her.

I'm racing and swerving on the streets, snaking through the cracks in between cars in traffic. Driving like a maniac, I earn a few blaring horns from the vehicles I pass, the universal way to call someone an asshole, but I have no choice. I have to make it there as fast as I can, and the road seems to be never-ending. Staring at the way the needle on the speedometer keeps rising higher, the cold night air hits my bare hands as my knuckles turn white from my tight grip on the throttle.

When I get to Maddison's street, I almost miss the turn, swerving right at the last minute, hearing the tires screech and smelling burnt rubber in the air. I park in her driveway next to her car and when I take off my helmet, the first thing I notice is that the front door is ajar.

Alarms are going off inside my head as I hurry inside to find the house in darkness, only illuminated by the streetlights outside. I approach the stairs knowing that her room is on the second floor, and as I'm about to call out for her, I hear the faint but recognizable sound of someone gasping for air.

I bolt up the steps only to be met with a long hallway, two doors on each side and one at the end. Only the last one on my right side is open, so I charge towards that one, going inside to find Maddison balled up on the floor in the corner of her room with her head bowed between her legs.

The sound of her crying and her shortened breath is tearing my heart apart as I rush over and kneel down beside her. "Shshsh, it's okay, it's okay. I'm right here." I say taking her into my arms, hugging her head close to my chest, and stroking her hair to try to calm her down. She keeps sobbing into my shirt and I can feel her heart beating at an alarming rate. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do in a situation like this, but I try to keep from panicking for her sake.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I ask, wondering what could possibly have her in such a state. She shakes her head no, and buries herself deeper into me, still not able to stop her tears or to steady her breathing.

"Hey, look at me," I say, very softly, putting a little distance between us so I can look her in the face, fearing that she might break into pieces if I don't hold her together with my arms. Her eyes are swollen and bloodshot, her lashes wet and her cheeks red as her lower lip quivers "I need you to try to match my breath, can you do that?" I ask, and she nods shakily.

"Okay, breathe in" I say and she inhales with me. I fill my lungs to their full capacity, expecting her to do the same. "And out," I instruct and she exhales, between little sobs. "Good, one more time," I push her hair back and hold her face in my hands as she keeps her focus on my eyes. I repeat the same process a few times until I finally get her to calm down a bit. Tears are still running down her face and I wipe them away with my thumbs, but at least she's stopped hyperventilating.

I scoop her up in my arms and take her to her bed, laying her down on the mattress and pulling the covers on top of her. "W-Will you lay with me, Noah?" she asks almost in a soft, broken voice, and without hesitation I get under the comforter with her, fitting my body behind hers and wrapping my arms around her small and fragile figure.

I stroke her hair and notice her chest is now rising and falling at a less alarming rate. "That's it, you're doing great," I say, running my fingers through her soft locks, and we stay in place until she manages to stop crying and our breathing synchronizes.

I get an idea that might help make the situation better, but I'm hesitant to execute it because I don't want to let go of her, even if just for a second. "Wait here. I'll be right back, okay?" I ask, finally deciding to get up and she silently nods her head.

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