What dating him will include.

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Hugs 24/7 He hugs you from behind when he wants attention.

Little pecks on the check, the back of the hand and the nape of the neck.

He gets flustered easily when he gets compliments.

Very cuddly in bed.

He's the number one Pro hero and an amazing father. 100000000000000000000000000000000/10 best dad.

He hates it when you call him small might in his weak form.

The pet names he calls you: Sweetheart, honey, baby, kitten, love, Sunshine

The pet names you call him: Small might, Sweetie, My sunflower, cutie, in his All might form you call him Thunder thighs.

Your first meeting was at a bar. I know 'fancy.' But he was alone because Yamada went off on his own, you came up to him and started to chat. You then learned that he couldn't drink do to an internal injury that he had. You only had three drinks before you decided to drink water the rest of the night. (He was Yamada's designated driver)

First date was lunch at a small Cafe.

The poor man is a Helpless romantic and you love him for it.

He usually knocks when your getting dressed or doing something in your room.

He secretly loves it when you caress his back.

He would put his whole life on the line to keep you safe.

What he's scared of the most: He's afraid you might leave him for another person.

If you two were to have children you would want 1. And only one. {Good luck with that, I'm terrified of child birth.}

Midoriya is like the son that you've never had. She almost deleted Bakugou out of existents when he started to take shit about him.

Midoriya never new you and all might were a thing. Until he went over to check up on all might to see how he was doing. He saw the two of you....Yeah. He Knocks now.

Inko, Izuku's mom trust you to take care of Midoriya, so she isn't too worried.

Inko and You are really good friends.

He will let a Dad pun slip now and then

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He will let a Dad pun slip now and then.

He loves puns and pick up lines.

He once dressed as Jareth the Goblin king From the Labyrinth for Halloween. You where super happy.

Toshinori is A Vanilla Bean. Which means he's not dirty-minded. Though he is occasionally. ....make that very rarely

He loves it when you get really passionate about something and your eyes just give off this intensity. He loves it.

lastly, this boy is absolutely smitten!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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