Ch.1 Call Him Legend

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I love my home in the woods of Yellowstone. Me being a white wolf ,I am very wanted by alphas. I may be male, but all white wolves can have pups,no matter the gender. The thing is, we may be the perfect submissive but we put up a fight if you want us as a mate.

Enough about that. I'm looking over Yellowstone lake,when I notice a black alpha standing tall and Strong. He's very muscular and impressive. He starts walking over with his head held high. When a soccer ball comes out of the trees.

Two humans come after it and the alpha quickly disappears. wimp.

"Wow, who's dog is that Kash?!" one boy said.

"I don't know dude, but it's beautiful Ryan" Kash said.

"Hey see if it comes" Ryan said handing Kash his belt.

"Okay, hey boy,come here" he said paying his leg. I look at him like he's crazy but when I see that alpha. I wag my tail and run up to Kash and sat in front of him. He slips the belt over my neck.

The alpha looked like I was crazy. So he pops out and growled at the boys.

"Kash I think that a wolf you have and that's it buddy. Let go of him and run" Ryan said and when Kash when to take the belt off my neck the alpha started toward them and I snap. I growl standing in front of them in a protective stance.

'Are you crazy' the alpha said in a mind link. I don't need to be part of his pack to do this cause I'm a white wolf so all wolves can talk to us.

'I am not crazy I wanted those humans to take me' I said then swiped my paw at his muzzle.

'Don't be a fool and just come with me'

'NEVER!' Then I charged him and bit hard at his leg.

'Leave!' I said and he limp away.

I walk over to the boy and sit in front of them with my tail waging like a happy dog.

"Well do we take him or let him stay free" Ryan asked.

"Let him decide,if he follows us to the car we bring him if he don't he stays free" Kash said.

"Okay" Ryan said and he pick up the soccer ball and they start to the park grounds. their letting me choose,some would have just taking me if I came back over. I see that alpha and I make my choose.

I follow the boy to their family's car.

"Kash who's dog is that" a woman said I assume is his mother.

"It's a stray mom, can I keep him he follow me and Ryan back from where we found him" he asked.

"I guess you can keep him but we need to leave now. remember he's your responsibility now" his mother said.

"Okay mom" he said, then they got in the car and he left the door open for me to jump in. I look one last time at the park then jump in and lay on the floor at his feet.

'You sure you want to live with these humans' my wolf spirt Ray asked

'Yes I am almost of age to tell who my mate is and i know my mate is not in Yellowstone. right?"

'Yes your true mate was never in Yellowstone'

'Well it can't be hard to be this humans pet'

'Its gonna be hard since we refuse to subimt to a alpha and this boy is kinda like a alpha'

'I know but let's see how it works'

"Kash what are you gonna name him" Ryan said.

I have no name white wolves are named by their mates. but our wolf always had a name. I hope they done give me a dumb name.

"Well white wolves are rear and kinda legendary so why don't we call him legend" Kash said and I bark showing him I like the name.

I hope I like being with this human.

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