Wild | Hanri / Jungri

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She is there with her smile and unique laugh that gives him butterfly in his stomach. He knows she may never be his but he still keeps this hope at the back of his mind.

He likes it how she is weird in her own way. Not many people see that side of her but he does. Spending almost 15 years together he learn a lot from her. What are her favorites, her hobby and food all of that he knows. But there is one thing he could never get and that is her heart.

Hanbin may be the captain of the basketball team and a member of the school broadcasting club -explains why is very popular with girls- but all that still cannot hide his fear of confessing to the on girl that stole his heart.

Kim Yerim.

She is and will always remain as someone special in his heart. The time they spent growing up together has thought him a lot about the girl's peculiarities one of which how hyper she is at times but remains calm a moment later.What else can he say she is wild. He really loves her height - though she always complain about it - because that is what makes her cute being beside him.

He hopes to be beside her forever, to be more than just friends, have those dates that his friends keep talking about -maybe have that picnic under the trees that Yeri always dream about- but those things could never happen unless he confess his love.


It was the usual walk to school in the morning, as mundane as it sounds he quite like it, because accompanying him is Yeri -who couldn't stop rambling about how her books were out of place or how she forgot important work that needs to be submitted that day. He likes this small walks and enjoying her voice though he was more keen on listening rather than replying -that is why he is capable in handling Yeri- makes him the perfect partner she could ever have.

As per usual, Hanbin would drop Yeri at her class than proceed towards his. He couldn't help but hope if he just study a little harder than maybe just maybe he could be in the same class as her. Well not everybody is perfect. Class went by like any other day -boring. Hanbin would rather indulge himself with the scenery out the window while thinking of his Yerim.

His favorite subject from the time table is recess...why? Cause that is the time to be spend with Yerim. From across the hall he could hear her laugh from which he can picture her bright smile and crescent moon eyes. To everyone she is a social butterfly and talks a lot but to him she is shy and cute.

As soon as he saw those familiar eyes, nose and lip he finds himself grin from ear to ear until he come across a figure whom he never seen before. Who is this person so close to his Yerim? Without noticing his steps seem to slow down and gradually came to a halt in front of the said person.

"Hanbin, this is the new transfer student in my class"

"Jungkook" That is that the person said. Short and simple.

It was unsinkable that Hanbin holds the record for having the most fangirls in school but looks like he may finds himself with a strong contender both in popularity and maybe the little girl as well.

"Hanbin" replied while shaking Jungkook's hand. Some how at this time his grip was quite tight -was it him or Jungkook started it no one knows- so as Jungkook. It seems as though both guys are out with a physical test -well boys will be boys-
to see who is stronger.

"Hello?! What is up with both of you?"
A calm voice interrupt both of them.

"Nothing, nice to meet you Hanbin. I'm Yeri's new classmate, she is just kind enough to show me the way since I don't know where to go. So here I am." Jungkook explain as to why he is with Yeri.

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