You | Jungri pt.3

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This is the last part for this story line. Sorry it is three parts long. Enjoy :)

Trut trut ~~

Yeri lazyly pick up her phone. One of the things she hate doing -but does it anyway.

"Yeah...what do you want?"

"Get down here now, there is a mission for you should you wish to except."
The voice from the other line reply with haste. That annoying husky sound that travel to her ear drums make her blood boil with anger.

"Like I have a choice. I'll be there in few minutes."  Is all she could reply back, subduing her anger that she has kept for years. Under that person she is nothing but a monster that knows nothing but killing. She is like a trap soul in a mindless body.

As she gets ready in black skin tight shirt and a pair of jeans (imagine the kind of clothes black widow wears) she does not forget to bid her mother good bye - not like there will be a reply but she did it anyway out of respect. She miss her mom more than anything but time can never be turn and one must always continue on with life.

Rush out of her house wearing her favorite black boots and drove in one of her usual cars - a red Lamborghini- that was given on her 16th birthday which is the last birthday she had with dear mother.

It seems like a good day so she had the roof of the car open to just feel the air against her skin and letting her hair down following the wind. So free so full of life like the sky above her.

Arriving at the all to familiar building just annoy her after the drive she had. Now the start of work that she hate the most. It is understandable that she is attractive but it does not give people the rights to ogle there eyes at her. Making her way to the lift at the center of building she came across a friend who she considers like a brother.

He wore a casual brown suit that just fits him so much, making him look like Prince Charming -to her more like prince of dork- ready to greet his people. That chestnut hair beautiful eyes and plump lips, yup there is no denying he does look handsome but she won't say it.

"Early today? Got a job I see." The male exclaim.

"You to Seok Jin?" Yeri reply with a scoffed.

"How many times must I tell you to not adress me as Seok Jin, it is embarrassing" The male made swift reply.

"Fine Jin Oppa" Yeri give in to his request. Technically he is few years older so it make sense of using the word oppa.

Both made their way to the elevator while exchanging daily gossips or update in their life. Most of which evolves around work and not much excitement. There was the story that happen in Rio but Yeri would die rather than share that part to her friend no matter how much they know each other.

Yeri have known Jin for a very long time, as far as a young kid who was lost playing at the garden of her house. Seokjin found her and was later introduce as an apprentice. They share a bond stronger than friendship and she practically thinks of him as a brother.

Upon arriving at large door, Yeri found herself not having a good feeling on this mission that she is about to be given.

"This is your next target Justin, not much information about him but he likes to go to a club in town. Find him and kill him before he threaten us." She was handed a file of information regarding this Justin but no description of how he look like -great more work- that is her mission.

Looking through the file, not much description only that he goes to a regular club in the heart of town. "I guess it must be easy"


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