I've Gotta Warn Him... I Bite *Wave 1*

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Waiting for the moon to rise seemed like ages! I brushed my tail against the smooth stones that surrounded where I sat. I always loved coming up here to listen to the waves splash gently against the rocks! I don't know why I was so eager to see the moon right now. I had seen it for the first time years ago when I noticed a white gleam on my scales and was drawn toward it. So every week I swam up here to soak it in and maybe catch a quick snack if I was lucky enough to fine a human couple walking along the beach.

I wished that I was allowed to choose who I could love. They have such freedom with it that it almost taunts me. Wait-scratch that- It does taunt me! A lot! I wonder how it feels to be in love like them. Which only makes me angrier! I couldn't take it anymore! I burst into my human body almost as fast as I could sink my teeth into their necks. Whenever I did this I would wait a moment to get used to my legs and feet. I only rarely did this to get a bite to eat.

It tickled when my fins would separate into two and my toes would form on my sprouting feet! After I had done this, I took the clothes from my victims and hid them in the bush under the tallest... What are they called... Coconut Trees! You know, just in case I needed them again.

So anyway, the man was probably drinking before now. I could tell by the sway in his walk and the stronger taste in his blood. His mate, or I think she was his mate, was completely sober and had a sweet touch to the thickness of her blood, which calmed me a little and soothed my throat. I was disappointed at how humans drain so quickly. I was finished hiding them under the biggest boulder around me when I heard the first howl of the night. The moon had finally come out.

I recognised his howl. The same one that I had heard for the past few times I had been out here. It was strong, and lovely. And full of spirit. Like the songs we sing at home. The kind of things that when you hear them, you just want to jump up and soar in the sky! But the bad part is.... I shouldn't like the wolf calls....

In fact, I should hate them! I never got a glimpse of this mysterious werewolf who made these howling sounds. I began to picture him in my mind: Soft eyes, good hair, and a kind voice. Only because I couldn't daydream about an amazingly perfect boy for my mate. Why? this was a werewolf we're talking about. And because when my parents choose who I marry, he shall be the one I will grow to love. He shall be my mate. And he will not be a werewolf because they are our enemies an will always stay that way. Thus the reason why I haven't figured out why I began towards him.

A slight breeze blew my long, slightly curled, red-brown hair behind my shoulders. The light pink top that I put on over my seashell covered breast strap hugged me in good places so I hoped I made a good impression. But this jean mini skirt was probably a little on the very, very short side. It'll have to do. The wolf had just stopped howling when I stepped up behind him. Here we go I told myself... Should I have done this? He fell into his human body. Okay, maybe fell isn't quite the right word to say... Formed. Yes, he formed into his human body. Just from the back, I knew this guy was going to be hard to stay away from! I almost tapped him on the shoulder when he dashed into the trees.

What? I mean... What?

"You shouldn't be hear," He said "Its late. Go home." His voice was strong and kind. I felt relaxed even though he was my enemy. And I wondered if he knew that.

"Then why are you hear?" I asked. I tried to sound calm, but I was afraid I might have said that in the wrong tone.

"I needed to get away." He answered.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked.

"No." He replied.

The boy was still in the trees and the shadows made it too dark for me to make out his face. "If you came out maybe you and I could talk about whats bothering you." What was I thinking? Even if this guy did know who I was, he'd still stay where he was. We were strangers. I heard rustling. From the leafs and from some kind of clothing. He must have done what I do. The boy slowly stepped out from behind the trees again. I had to try so hard to keep my jaw from dropping. He has rounded muscles allover his body that make him really strong but not too buff. The tight grey t-shirt that he put on fit him in all the right places and he had on the perfect sized jean shorts. I couldn't find the will to talk again for a while. I pretty much stared at him for long time.

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