There's this boy That I know
He sits on The edge of the road
He covers his arms with trembling hands
But if you look he starts to stand
His back was bruised black
And he could duck under bats
His face was muddy
His eyes bright blue
Though they looked broken
And you would too
It makes me sad to think of that boy
As he sits alone with old batters toys
On the pavement down my road
There's this boy That I know
He would sit on The edge of the road
He covers his arms with trembling hands
But if you look he would start to stand
There was this boy that nobody knew
He was broken and I was too
I walked to that boy and just sat down
We both sat there without a sound
His hands were shaking as he covered his arm
I looked at him I would do no harm
I took his hand and held it tight
He smiled at me it was a rare sight
There's this boy I know
at the end of my road
His arms always covered with fading bruises
So I would always bring him a few roses
As we grew up, I saw him less
But when I saw him by the road, I was a mess
My lip was bleeding
My eyes were bruised
I looked at him and whispered
"I'm broken too"