Chapter 1

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A/N - Thanks for clicking on my story. I am a big fan of the show and I love all of the characters. If you didn't read the summary thing at the beginning, I would like to remind you that this is a continuation of Season 1 episode 12 - 8:30. It is important to know that not all the things that occur in this story are the same as in the episode. I plan on updating regularly, at least once or twice a week. Feel free to comment anything, positive or negative, I love to hear your feedback and advice for future chapters and stories. Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoy!


Another siren blared in the distance. Halstead rubbed his hands together, a meager attempt to thaw his freezing cold fingers. He felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned around to find Erin behind him. In her hands was a cup of coffee. She handed it to him. "Thanks" he took the cup. "How you holding up?" She asked, crossing her arms across her chest. "Alright, considering" he sighed, looking at the rubble behind him. "You?" "I don't know. It makes me sick to think that someone could do this to all these innocent people,"she looked at the collapsed building. " We must have interviewed 200 people in the last four hours and somehow all their stories are different" she let out a tired laugh. Jay chuckled. He lowered his voice, even though the noise around them would prevent anybody from hearing them anyway. "Any news about a second bomb?" "The guy in custody isn't talking. We've got everybody on the lookout but if it hasn't gone off yet..." Her voice faded off. "Let's hope that's the case" Jay took a sip from the steaming beverage, then immediately spat it out. "What?" demanded Erin."You could've warned me it was hot!" He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Erin laughed and turned to walk inside.

"BANG!" Pete Monroe's head hit the table for the third time. Voigt's hand griped the back of his hair and pulled his head off the table. "First you kill eight people, then you lie to us, then you try to take one of my detectives hostage? What the hell are you thinking?" Voigt yelled, pulling Monroe's head up even more. "Ow! Stop, I have rights-" his head jerked sideways as Voigt delivered him a well deserved punch. "RIGHTS! You lost your rights the moment you set off that bomb." Voigt let go of his hair and Monroe's head crashed onto the table. "Now your going to tell me who your working with, if there's another bomb, and where I can find it in the next 5 seconds, or I will let my partner here use you as a punching bag, you got it?" Behind him, Antonio began to wrap chains around his knuckles. The permanent smirk on the perps face is replaced with fear, but he still stayed quite. "Four, five. Times up." Voigt stepped aside and motioned for Antonio to step in. After two punches, Monroe finally screamed," Alright, Alright I'll tell you everything, please don't." He tried to raise his hands to block his bloody face, but the handcuffs prevented him. "Spill it" Antonio dropped his fist. "There's a guy I met online. We started to talk. After a month of talking, he said something about wanting to get revenge." "What do you mean revenge? On who?" Voigt demanded."I don't know! He didn't tell me much, I just did what he told me to do, and I got my money. That's it." Monroe shrugged. "That's it? THAT'S IT?!" Voigt yelled." Eight people are dead and 15 more are injured! I sure hope you got paid a damn lot." Antonio put his hand in front of Voigt and pushed him back. Giving him a glare, he asked, "Does this guy have a name?" Monroe paused for a moment and then said," His name wasF Franco or something like that. He's the one who made the bombs". "Bombs?" Antonio asked. "He was supposed to plant a bomb to go off half an hour after mine went off." "Where?" Voigt asked. Monroe looked down at the table. "The man asked you a question!" Antonio gripped Monroe's front collar. "It's in a white van parked on the north side." "Where on the north side?" Antonio leaned towards him, his fist clenched."Thats all I know! Please, I swear. Franco didn't tell me anything else. Please!"He begged. "Alright, Lets go." Voigt stood up. "What do we do with him?" Antonio motioned toward the perp.

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