Chapter 7

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Jay sat frozen in the rubble. He knew he was jumping to a conclusion, but he couldn't bring himself to think otherwise. He wanted her to be alive so bad it hurt. His cheeks were still damp with tears, but no new ones fell. His fists were clenched, and before he realized, he had his fist raised in the air. He brought it down hard on a piece of drywall, easily splitting it in two. The sound echoed through the large space, but Jay barely heard it. All he heard was a voice calling out from the rubble. "Hello? Can anyone hear me?" He called. His heart raced, but he didn't want to get his hopes up. He waited a moment before he heard the voice again. "Jay, Oh my God is that you?" He was flooded with relief and joy. "Erin" was all he could manage before making his way towards the voice. After what seemed like hours, he finally reached her. "Erin, oh my God, Erin" he stammered when he saw her. She was lying next to her car, surrounded by debris. She had a support column lying on top of her abdomen, nearly crushing her. Her face was bloody and dusty. "I can not tell you how glad I am to see you right now" she groaned. "You okay?" Jay asked her, looking concerned. He slowly climbed down towards her. "Not sure at the moment" she grimaced, looking down towards her stomach. "Where does it hurt?" He asked her, checking her over. "Um, everywhere" she let out a pained laugh. Jay moved the column a bit, causing Erin to cry out in pain. "Hey, I think I can get this off of you" he said. "Well do it" she said through gritted teeth. Jay rolled up his sleeves. "This is going to hurt like hell" he warned her. "Just do it" she whispered, holding her breath. Jay reached under the column and in one quick motion, pulled it up off of her. She groaned and clutched her stomach. Jay quickly moved the column aside and bent down beside her. "What! What is it?" He asked her panickedly. She pulled her hands away from her stomach, causing blood to gush out of it. "Oh God" Jay muttered. He looked at the wound closely. There was a piece of shrapnel that had pushed itself into her stomach. When he had moved the column, it had twisted, causing a hole to be ripped into her stomach, which was bleeding heavily. He whipped off his jacket and tied it around her wound as tight as he could. "That should hold for a minute at least. Can you walk?" He looked at her. "I don't know" she whispered, trying not to breath. Jay wrapped his arm around her shoulders and, trying not to loosen the jacket, he helped her up. "Does it hurt?" He asked her worriedly. "Let's just get out of here" she replied. Jay looked around. To his left there was a glimmer of light shining through a crack in the rubble. He pointed. "We might be able to clear our way through there" Erin only nodded. They slowly made their way over to the crack, stopping every few moments to stabilize the make-shift bandage. It was when they neared the crack when Jay noticed that Erin was getting heavy at his side. "Erin?" He shook her slightly. No response. Jay stopped moving and looked at her. Her face was white. "Erin! C'mon Erin say something!" He muttered as he laid her down. Her eyes fluttered. "Erin? Erin can you hear me?" He cradled her head in his arms. She moved her lips, but no noise came out. "What?" Jay asked. "I...Said..Thanks" her words were choppy. "Wait thanks for what?" Jay looked down at her as her eyes closed. "Erin, c'mon stay with me" he shook her lightly. "C'mon Erin, wake up! I can't lose you. Not like this" he cried. When she didn't move, Jay ran to the crack. As fast as he could, he removed debris until he could fit through. Then, he carefully scooped Erin into his arms and ducked through the hole into the sunlight.

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