Chapter 2

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"Seriously?! You get a lead and we have to be on 'escort duty'?" Erin complained. "I mean why us?" She motioned to herself and to Halstead. "There's dozens of other cops that would be more than happy to take this bastard to jail." Voigt sighed. "I need to make sure the jobs done right." "What the hell? All we're doing is driving this guy down to the precinct!" She yelled. "Good, you already know what to do." With that, Voigt closed the car door and the SUV zoomed off. "Unbelievable" she muttered.

"There's a van, but it's blue." Ruzek pointed towards the parked vehicle. Olinsky turned the car into the parking lot and pulled up beside the van. They both jumped out. "Hey, you got a credit card?" Olinsky glanced at Ruzek. "Yeah, why?" Olinsky put his hand out. Ruzek groaned and dug around in his pocket, eventually pulling out a small, rectangular card. Olinsky ran the edge of the card down the van's passenger door. The blue paint chipped off easily. Ruzek had moved to the back of the van. He peered in the window. "Al." He called. "What?" Olinsky walked towards Ruzek. "We've got ourselves a bomb"

Voigt and Antonio pulled up to the scene. Following them were Jin and the bomb squad. "Everybody keep your eyes up. This idiot wouldn't leave until he could see the result of his masterpiece." They were all silent for a moment, the only noise that could be heard was the bomb squad Sargent barking out orders. "There!" Antonio called out. He pointed to an apartment building less than a block away. "There's someone on the roof." "That's our guy. Olinsky, you stay back with the squad, everyone else with me. Let's go." They all pulled out their guns and made their way towards the building.

Voigt had just snapped on the cuffs when Olinsky's voice came throught the radio,"bomb defused."

"This is weird." Jin commented from the back of the van. Olinsky poked his head in. "What is?" Jin turned the screen that had originally controlled the bomb towards Olinsky. "Didn't Monroe say that the bomb was suppose to go off at 8:30?" "Yeah, why?" Olinsky asked, a little less relaxed as before. Jin's eyes opened wide. "This bomb was set to go off at 9:00." Wait, what's that mean?"Olinsky clenched his fist. "There's another bomb."

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