Shortsummary: Imagine if Zodiac signs were girls and they actually had a life. Welltodaywe'regonnaplayasZodiacsigns! Butit'sgonnabearealitytv show like thekeepingupwiththeKardashiansbutmoreghetto/ratchet! So...yeahum..honestlyidkhowIbecomingupwiththisshitbuthopefullyy'alllikeit🤷
A/n: I'm not sure if imma use the name you give me or if imma call you by the sign you pick. Alsowewillallbesisters in thisstory!
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Colors: Light-Blue, Silver Positivetraits/strengths: Friendly, Intelligent, creative, Loyal, Progressive, independent, humanitarian Negativetraits/weaknesses: Stubborn, loner, Unpredictable, Runs from emotional expression, hotheaded Likes: Fun with friends, helping others, fighting for causes, intellectual conversation, a good listener D
islikes: Limitations, broken promises, being lonely, dull or boring situations, people who disagree with them
Face claim: Name: Age: Sexuality: Career (everyone can't be an model or actor so be creative): Love interests (Ineed 2 andinformationaboutthem): Relationshipstatus: Catchphrase:
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