who art thou?

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"Until your heart can't beat faster; Until your muscles can't bring you a step further; Until your lungs can't deliver enough oxygen to your body to move on; Run, run, run, and run."

The same phrase echoed over and over again inside a female's voice.

Running as fast as her legs and her tight kimono can bring her, the raven-haired female continued to run, not even daring to look back. She was too scared to see what was behind her: She didn't have the guts to turn around.

Even with the improved stamina she had due to her curse, it was starting to get harder and harder to retain the same speed she had when she first ran away from the pits of hell. But she couldn't stop here: She swore to herself that she won't return to that place in her own will.

It was now or never.

Continuing to run, the female's expression was visibly filled with relief when she could hear the sounds of people chatting not too far away. Finally!

Changing the course of her direction, the female started to slow down, following the source of sound that could be heard. Desperately ignoring the pain and fatigue engulfing her once the adrenaline pumped body started to calm down, the female inched closer, staggering as her vision started to blur. She could hear the voices become silent as the bush she brushed past made a subtle rustling sound, but she couldn't care less. She ignored her heavy legs and forced her body to move forward, shaking her head to desperately stay conscious.

Finally emerging out, the female found three figures all staring towards her direction, two of them looking quite shocked, while the younger one just blatantly gaped at her.

At the overwhelmingly happy feeling she got from finally seeing other human beings other than from the place she came from, the female felt tears collecting at the corners of her eyes, quickly flowing down her cheeks in a thick stream.

Her vision started to black out, but the female smiled happily, muttering a quiet "I found you" as she finally collapsed, rendered unconscious.

+ + + + +

It was right after when Hyakkimaru had plunged his feet inside the roaring bonfire when the two — Hyakkimaru and Biwamaru — sensed a very peculiar being approach towards them in a very fast manner. The expressionless boy immediately tense and rose to his feet, getting ready to fight the existence approaching them. Even Biwamaru seemed surprised, as his usually laidback and relaxed expression was filled with light that of curiosity. 

Dororo, upon seeing their reaction, curiously looked towards the direction the two were looking at, gasping when a female emerged from the bush.

"It's a...girl?" The young boy muttered, taking in the sight of her ruffled form. The white kimono she wore was stained with dirt and stains of blood, and her silky navy hair was also tangled, small sticks and leaves stuck inside. She seemed sickly pale, but her ruby red eyes were lively, holding so much vitality.

Just as when Dororo was about to speak to the female, he flinched when she started to cry, falling unconscious right after.

Scurrying to the female, Dororo checked if she was alright, breathing in relief when he realized that she had fallen asleep. He turned around to face the two male in front of him, pulling the surprisingly light female closer to the bonfire.

"Why do you guys look so surprised?" The young boy inquired while raising his eyebrows, letting out a surprised yelp as Hyakkimaru approached towards the unconscious female.


The raven-haired male had never seen anyone with such a distinct color of the soul. It felt so new to see a person — or a being that had so many different aspects of color. Hyakkimaru knew that the female was related to the demons, but he instinctively knew that she was somewhat similar to his own state of soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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