Chapter 3

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"Abby wake up," I heard someone say I opened my eyes to see Hayes "The plane is landing," he said I sat up and buckled my seatbelt. Once the plane landed we got up and went to get our luggage when I heard someone yelling "YEET CREW REUNION," and then I saw Cameron running up and bro-hugging Nash and Hayes then he gave me a big hug Cameron was the only Magcon guy I knew. "Cam your squeezing me," I said and he let go of me. We all went outside and got in the car and drove off towards the guys' house. We got there and let's just say it was huge "Do you guys want to go to the beach?" Nash asked "YES!" Me and Hayes yelled at the same time and ran inside to change. I changed into a neon patterned bikini top and black bottoms with mint green flip flops then i packed my phone, earphones, and sunglasses then I snuck into Hayes's room and stole one of his snapback's. I went downstairs and waited for the rest of them Cameron and Nash came down a little after that and we were just waiting for Hayes soon Hayes came down "Hey has anyone seen my favorite snapback?" he asked they all looked at me I smiled sheepishly then ran to the car with them following me I got in shotgun and they ran up soon after and Cam got in the drivers seat and Hayes crawled in the back "Get in the back I want my seat," Nash said trying to look intimidating but it wasn't working out to well he just kept staring at me "Fine," I said caving in and crawling into the back and we were off. We got to the beach and surprisingly it wasn't super crowded I got out of the car and ran straight to the water and swam around with the boys soon joining me. After we swam around for a couple hours we decided to go get dinner. We all decided to penny board to Chipotle. When we got to Chipotle we ordered and sat down at the table "So when are the rest of the guys going to get here?" I asked very calmly on the outside but on the inside I was freaking out I mean I had never met these guys what if they were ax murderers or something. "They get here tomorrow morning around 11." Cam said I nodded in response. We went back to eating. After we were done eating we left and penny boarded back to the house and basically went to bed, it was a long day.

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