Chapter 1

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"Allison get down here now!" My dad yelled. He doesn't really like me too much. I don't understand why but maybe its because I look like my mother. "Coming father." I kindly replied. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could know if I didn't I would be slapped. "Yes father?" "Get me a some soup!" He growled. "Yes father." I said cowering in fear. "Oh shut the hell up and get me my soup." He hissed. I ran into the kitchen almost falling and busting my lip. I grabbed the yellow box containing beef soup and his favorite tea. I boiled the soup for 5 minutes and made him some tea. I pulled his soup off the fire and burning my arm by accident in the process. I grabbed the tea and walked in and put his soup and tea on the wooden table in front of him. He slowly took a sip of tea while glaring at me. "Could be better." He said frowning, "let's see what shit food you made me today." He grabbed his wooden spoon and and looked at me for a second. I didn't even realize how nervous I was not only was I sweating my legs were lightly shaking. He dipped the spoon in the soup and slurped the soup from the spoon only because he knew I hated that noise. "Could use some work," he said, "now go to your room for the rest of the day so I don't have to see your ugly face." I slightly bowed so he didn't get mad and walk as fast as I could upstairs. I sat on my bed slowly sinking into it. I looked to my right at my glass tank. I looked closer and finally saw my baby blue dragon, the only thing my mother ever left me. The only thing I care about. He was fast asleep on his rock. I got up and slowly walked across my cold stone floor. I lifted the metal framed glass and pulled him out. He lightly stirred but I pulled him to my chest to calm him down "Its okay its just me." I said soothingly. I slowly laid back down on my soft bed with her on my chest and drifted off into sleep. "Allison get up right now!" He yelled ripping my door open. "And put the pest back in its cage before I kill it." He said reaching for her tail. I turned quickly and yelled "Father no leave her alone!" I froze. Everything was silent for a moment. "What did you just say." He lowly said. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it." I said quietly. Before I could react he grabbed me by my hair and started to drag me down the hallway by my hair. We reached the kitchen and he pulled up. He threw me down in a seat and slapped my face. I caught a flash of blue out of the corner of my eye and I heard squealing "Dad put her down please." I pleaded he threw her in front of me. Her wing was sliced and bleeding lightly. I felt a tear slid down my face on to my chin he yanked my head back and whispered "don't you ever yell at me again" He grabbed my hair and threw me on the floor. "Now go upstairs and forget dinner you can eat tomorrow." He growled. He kicked me in between my ribs. It was one of the most painful things he has ever done to me other than burn my leg. "And take your rat." He said throwing my baby dragon at me I pulled her into my chest as I got up and ran to my room I closed the door and laid on my bed pulling my baby dragon close to me and started crying. Even though she was going through a lot of pain herself she still snuggled up to me to try and comfort me. I slowly faded into the darkness. I awoke to golden yellow sun shining through my window. I looked down to my side and saw my baby dragon still asleep with a little red mark on her wing. I slowly sat up on my bed and said "How about we name you huh?" I said lightly to my dragon. She looked up at me with kind eyes and did I guess what a dragon would call yawning. "How about Jamie." I said. She didn't seem to displeased about it so I guess it will stick. I kinda just sat on my bed getting lost in my thoughts until I felt my stomach rumble. I went to my dresser and put on traditional earth bending clothes and a green scarf. I put Jamie in scarf and slowly walked down stairs. It was quiet, too quiet. I walked up to the fireplace and saw a note it said To Allison I have gone shopping because your lazy ass wasn't up when I get home that rat better be gone or I'm killing it if not done bother eating dinner today either. From dad. I looked down at Jamie and she looked at me in her curled up position. "Well looks like another day with no food" I said weakly. My legs were shaking because I haven't eaten in days. She gave me a look as I took a tiny piece of meat off the counter and fed it to her. "What? If it was any bigger he'd notice and this isn't big enough for me to eat and I know you're hungry." I said looking at Jamie. "Well what now?" I asked Jamie. She just kinda looked at me. I heard the door knob twist so I tucked Jamie into my scarf as my dad walked in. "Well look who's up." He said as if he was disgusted by me. I kinda just ignored him and went upstairs since I wasn't allowed outside. I went back upstairs and pulled out a book called Fire bending: Beginners guide.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2015 ⏰

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