Chapter 5- School Tour

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Classes were finally over. After some torturous hours with Clyde, at last, Misty can get away from him. Why does she need to seat down beside him?!

Then, she remembered what she read about the Buddy System in Rules and Regulations book that Principal Morris gave to her.

Firstly, a Buddy System is 3 to 6 months course, depending on the student's needs. It is regulated by Principal Morris. It is implemented to help new students in adjusting on their new environment in academy.

Secondly, a student who will become a buddy of a new student must volunteer in his/her free will. He/She will received a perfect grade in Moral education subject. Furthermore, he/she will have extra points in extracurricular activities.

Thirdly, a buddy of the new student must help him/her to familiarize the academy's premises. Moreover, he/she must be on his/her partner side always and teach him/her about school rules and regulation.

Lastly, a buddy must help his/her partner in everything he/she can as long as they don't violate any rules and policies.

Sounds so good if her buddy was Lexi. She let out a harsh breath and hurriedly gathered her things and put it inside her bag. She didn't even bother to glanced at her side because she knew that she will just see the perveted blonde with a dimple or the golden boy of Greystone Academy as what others called him. She must leave now and prevent that boy from ruining her day.

How dare him call her clumsy malnourish?!

She stood up and ready herself to leave and plan to wait for Lexi outside where she can hide from Clyde. She was about to sprint outside when Professor Thomson called her.

"Ms. Laine and Mr. King, can I talk to you for a moment," Professor Thomson said. Misty stopped and heaved as she walked to Professor Thomson.

Professor Thomson let Misty and Clyde sat in front of her while other students went outside. Lexi told Misty that she will be waiting outside.

While Misty was eager to leave and cannot stay on her seat without thumping her fingers, Clyde was comfortably seating beside her. He didn't even bother to hide how he stare at her.

There is something bizarre on Misty's complexion that made Clyde curious. Her soft porcelain white skin shimmered like glitters upon the rays of light that gave him urge to touch it. What more interesting was, he really want to see her eyes that were hiding behind those purple tinted eye glasses. Maybe she has strabismus and she is just embarass to show it. Nevertheless, she has delicate feminine features. Pointed nose tip, high check bones, full red lips, tapering chin and flawless skin.

Misty's right eyebrow shot up while she gazed at Clyde, "It's rude to stare," she stated irritatingly. This boy has no shame to stared at him openly.

Professor Thomson began discussing upon leaving of the last student, "Ms. Laine and Mr. King, you both already read about Buddy system in Rules and Regulations book?" she asked but it sounds more like a statement. The both of them nodded in unison.

"So, I expect that you take this seriously Mr. King. That you will help Ms. Laine in academy," Professor Thomson stated seriously.

"I will professor," Clyde replied while winking at Misty that made her poke his side with a pencil. This annoying jerk really get into her veins.

Clyde rubbed his side and tried to hold his tongue from sarcastic remark on Misty's unrefined behavior.

Professor Thomson shook her head to their playfulness. Kids this days don't even know how to behave well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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