Is It Ever (pt. 2)

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A/N: So, I said there would only be one more part to this story. That didn't exactly happen--I decided to make this story a little longer as well. This part is sort of short and I'm planning on a few more parts after this. Hopefully, soon. <3 <3

"This is it?" I directed the question to the rest of my team via earpiece.

"Yeah." Stark answered, not expounding. No one had said much on the flight over and Tony hadn't fully explained how he knew or knew of Weaver and how he had tracked him to this location.

"Right." I rolled back my shoulders and tightened my grip on the shield in my hand. "I'm going in."

That was the plan: I went in first, created a distraction--a diversion--catching the enemy by surprize and drawing their attention away from anything but myself. Nat and Bruce were doing the same on the right side and back of the building. Stark would swoop in while the enemy was distracted and find our lost teammate.

That was, if everything went according to plan.

"I'm going in," I repeated, mostly to myself.

"We heard you, Capsicle."

I almost laughed at that. But as he said that words I heard gunfire and gunfire wasn't exactly something to laugh about.

Instincts kicked me in the gut and I dropped to the ground like a stone, catching myself only just in time and barely saving my face.

Fragmented thoughts battled for superiority in my mind.


From the warehouse.

They must've known.

Must've known that we were coming.

Where are the others?

Are they inside? Are they alright?

The metallic, sharp sound of bullets ricocheting filled my ears. In some dark recess of my mind, I could feel memories resurfacing.

No. I thought desperately. Focus.

I forced my mind to stay present.

Okay, focus on the present. What to do? What to do?

Moving carefully, I took the shield from my back. I rose to a crouch, keeping my entire body shielded. The metallic pling of bullets hitting the shield filled the air.

I could still follow through with the plan right? Just distract the gunmen. That's all.

When the gunfire petered to a stop, I shot to my feet and sprinted inside the building.

"Tony!" I shouted into my ear piece as I ran. "I'm going in!"

"Still?" Tony sounded confused. "You might want to wait. We could regroup--"

His voice was cut off by the sound of more gunfire. I hit the ground, my eyes searching for a gunman.

Where was he? I thought, desperately. My eyes roved the outside of the warehouse, looking for anything that could clue me in. My gaze froze, on a empty window.


It was a guess, but it wasn't a wild guess. If I could get near enough to the building, the gunman wouldn't be able to fire on me--not without falling head first out of the window.

I inhaled sharply and took my chances.
Hefting my shield aloft to protect my chest and face, I sprinted towards the warehouse. Bullets clanged off my shield as I ran and though my heart was pounding and every part of my mind was resisting, my legs kept pumping--moving me forward towards the warehouse.

Then I was inside. Just as I had guessed, the gunman stopped shooting.

I grinned as I moved further inside. I reached up at tapped my earpiece. "I'm inside," I said.

"Good. Took you long enough," Tony muttered, absently. He seemed distracted. There was silence for a minute.

Then something dawned on me.

"Tony?" I asked, my voice taking on an almost hoarse quality. "Tony, shouldn't there be men in here?"

"The ones you're supposed to distract?" Tony answered with a question of his own. "Yeah, I would assume."

"There's nobody in here, Stark," I whispered. And immediately my mind flicked to the lone gunman.

"Yeah? Great," Frustration seeped through Tony's voice. "Hold a sec, Cap," He still seemed distracted but I couldn't hear any signs of contention around him.

"Tony, what's going on?" I asked, my voice low.

There was no answer.

"Tony?" My voice raised. "Tony, talk to me!"

Stark made a sort of choking noise and when he spoke it was like all of the life had been drained out of his voice.

"Clint's in there, Rogers." Tony managed. "Him and one other person," 

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