What is life?

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What is life?

What is life you ask?

Well life is many things, it has many things to it

Life isn't just something you play with and experience

It's a book that you read and explore it, a story you tell

What is life?

Life is powerful and valuable

Something you shouldn't waste

It's something that can bring you peace or war

Something you can change

Something that can bring you pain or pleasure

Joy or sadness

What is life?

Life! Life isn't fun and games

It's not easy it

never has been

never will.

Life is a struggle it has fears it has bravery

It tortures and saves

It wins and loses, it's something you shouldn't just toss in a

Dumpster and let it be thrown away

It's like a child that should be cherished and raised

What is life?

Life mean depression it mean mental fear and physical

It mean to suffer it mean to resist to take

To capture to set free to let lose to bring it back

What is life?

Its family it friends

It long lost family and close family

It means enemies and best friends

It means love and heart broken

It means to fight or to surrender

It means hope or give up

It means number 1 not number 2

It means school and knowledge

It means women, men, trans, and bi gender

It means bi, straight, and gay

It means marriage and dating

It means living to the fullest

What is life?

Life is, well it's something that has a past and a future

Something you can look back on

Its a story you tell to your kids

One that never gets old

What is life?

Its something you pass on

Its when your child is raise the right way where discrimination

Doesn't exist where color isn't consider a thing

Where black and white mix

What is life?

It when everyone come together and works as a team where

Teamwork inspires and create

When the government isn't a such a violent place

What is life?

Well let me just say this life...

Life complicated it just something that can not be explain

It something that you are born into

Something that given to you

It something that can change who you are as a person

Personal or private but it also special   

What is life?

let me say for the last time 

it something to enjoy 

be free and breath 

let yourself run wild( not too wild)  

but let your true self out 

and with that i can say 

life .. life is amazing


I hope you enjoyed my first poem 

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