Just Because

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Just Because 

Just because I am disabled doesn't mean I'm blind

Doesn't mean I can't learn

Doesn't mean I can't succeed

Doesn't mean I'm weak

I'm healthy and strong

Just because I am weird and fun doesn't mean i'm stupid

Doesn't mean I'm not friendly

Doesn't mean I'm careless

Doesn't mean I can't be chilled out too

I am weird and proud

Just because I am bisexual doesn't mean I'm not proud

Doesn't mean I can't be happy

Doesn't mean I can't be proud

Doesn't mean I'm any less human

I'm bi and I'm happy

Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm always emotional

Doesn't mean I'm weak

Doesn't mean I'm worthless

Doesn't mean I'm any less than a man

I'm a powerful  young lady

Just because I'm black doesn't mean I'm a drug dealer

Doesn't mean I'm part of a gang

Doesn't mean I'm a killer

Doesn't mean I'm any less human all because of my skin color

all because of trait that i can not control 

all because I'm a bit darker then most 

I'm black and proud 

Just because I hide things 

doesn't mean I'm always ok 

or that i do have feelings 

or that I am who I say I am 

Just because I might not be normal 

Doesn't make me an animal 

I have feelings I have thoughts 

I breath, eat, and sleep 

 I can walk and talk 

I still have the same rights as others 

I still matter we all do 

Just because I'm different doesn't mean you are any better than me 

it doesn't Make me any better than you 

We all are equal and even the worst people learn that the hard way if they chose

so stop stop saying that because someone darker that they don't matter

stop saying that because they are disable they can't do something 

stop saying that black, Dominicans ,  Puerto Rican and other races are dangerous 

because if we really wanted to hurt you and we really wanted to torture and kill

 truth is and everyone knows is we would have done so by now 

we would have done everything in our power to make sure your life is hell 

just like you did to us just like you took our homes 



love ones 




sisters and brother 


and most importantly 

Our equal rights and freedom to live

Just because we aren't all men 

doesn't mean woman are weak

Doesn't mean we are meant to be toys meant to be boss around and toss

like trash as if we are nothing as if we are worthless as if we are just animals 

women are so much more than that we are so  so so much more 

we ARE strong

we ARE powerful 

we CAN prove it 

and we WILL do everything in our power till you get the fact that WE will not stand 

down we will not miss a chance to show our true color and power  

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