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The Next Day

"You're not eating."

Violet jumped slightly then looked at Gemma in confusion. "What?"

Gemma grinned. "You're not eating and you're rubbing your right hand. Is it bothering you? Jax told us about the accident."

Violet shrugged. "It's always bothering me. I guess I'm just not hungry. I have a lot on my mind."

Donna frowned. "Is there really nothing they can do for you? You would think with all of the modern technology, they could figure out how to repair nerves."

Violet grinned and shook her head. "Nerves are very delicate things to work with. They're doing the best they can. I get a nerve block once a week, do physical therapy, use heating pads or ice packs, depending on the day." She chuckled. "I take a lot of ibuprofen."

Gemma nodded. "They won't give you anything stronger? Pain pills?"

Violet sighed. "They would but I don't want to become addicted to something, you know?" She shrugged. "Most days it's not horrible. I've just been under a lot of stress lately and that effects how well the block works."

Gemma nodded, letting the subject drop. Violet asked about Donna and Opie's kids and her old friend's face lit up. Violet was genuinely happy to see her friend so happy with her life. She had a quick thought, wondering what it would be like to be settled in with a husband and family, then shook her head at her own foolishness. No amount of money would make a man take on a woman that didn't feel as if she were whole. Gemma asked her a question, pulling her out of her own thoughts.

"Are you taking over your mom's spot with the garden club?"

Violet nodded. "Yes, I thought I would."

Gemma grinned. "Great! We'll see a lot of each other then." She looked down at her phone and grimaced. "I'm afraid we need to get going. I need to be back at the shop." They all stood and walked out to the front entry where they found Jerry and Jessie. After hugs were passed around, Gemma looked at Violet. "We need to do this again and soon. Next time we'll do dinner at my place."

Violet readily agreed and the other two women left her to do some work of her own.


Violet was ensconced behind her father's desk with her feet tucked up under herself and sipping a cup of tea as she looked over the list of farmers leasing land from the estate. When Jessie knocked on the open door, she looked up with a frown.

"What's up?"

Jessie sighed and shook her head. "Jacob Hale is here and demands to see you. I tried telling him that you were busy but he won't leave until he's spoken to you himself."

Violet cursed under her breath and nodded. "Okay, show him in, but make sure that Jerry puts him on the unapproved visitor's list."

Jessie smirked and nodded before disappearing down the hall. Seconds later, she was escorting a livid looking Jacob into the study. "You finally have time for me? I'm amazed."

Violet gave him a pointed look before pointing to the seat opposite hers. "If I were you, I wouldn't spend what precious time you have here complaining. What is so important that you couldn't wait to be seen?"

Jacob sat down and leaned forward in his chair. "We need to discuss the plans you have for this land. Now, I realize that you told your staff that you wanted to make it a historical landmark, but surely you can see how that would be a bad thing?"

Violet shook her head as she looked at him. "The problem you seem to have is that for whatever reason, you think you have some say in what happens with this land. Let me correct that. You don't."

Jacob shook his head. "You're just being as stubborn as your father was. Surely you can see the good this land development deal would do for Charming. We need new blood in this town and this is the way to get that."

Violet nodded as she gathered her thoughts. Finally, she sighed and got up to look out the large picture window behind the desk. "My ancestors came here with ten dollars and the dream of something big. My father and his father before him, and his father before him, all worked to make and keep that dream a reality. That now falls to my shoulders and it's not a responsibility that I take lightly, Jacob." She walked around and leaned a hip on the corner of the desk as she crossed her arms over her chest. "You want to do away with all of the work that my family has put into making Charming the town it is." When he opened his mouth to speak, she held a hand up. "Yes, I know. You want progress. You want a Starbucks and McDonalds. A Target and a Walmart. What I want is what my father wanted. To keep Charming the way it is, the way it's always been."

Jacob shook his head. "I can't believe this. I thought that you, being a young woman, would realize that this town needs to grow and build on itself. We can't stay the West Coast version of Mayberry forever, Violet."

Violet shrugged. "What I realize is that ninety percent of the people that live here, love Charming the way it is. Crime is almost non-existent, drugs don't make it too far into town. A woman can walk down the streets at midnight and not worry about being attacked. You want progress, growth, but with that comes the added problems of a bigger city. Now, I may not be able to stop you forever, but I will for as long as I can. You will not get this land, no matter what you try to pull, and without this land and part of the Indian reservation, your development deal dies." She stood up and walked around the desk, once again taking her spot in her father's chair. "See yourself out, won't you?"

Jacob muttered under his breath as he stood up. He was almost to the door when he turned back to her with a sneer. "This isn't over, Violet. One way or another, I'll come out on top."

Violet grinned and nodded. "You can certainly try. Have a good day, Mr. Hale."

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