𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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Listen to song above for this chapter^^

~Your POV~

I sat down on the blanket. Stan looked up at me, smiling. "Hey," he said and rested his hand on my thigh. "Hi." I planted a small kiss on his lips.

"Do you think they'll be okay?" I asked, looking over the water.

"I do." Stan said. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we watched the bodies float down the river and into tunnel, the clown waiting for them.

Stan then looked at me. He was holding left hand in both of his, his eyes lined with tears. "Please wake up, Y/n," he pleaded. "Please."


"Please." Stan whispered, his lips pressed up against my hand. "Stan..?" He looked at me in shock. "Y/n.." He smiled, brushing some of his curls out of his eyes.

"Stan, where am I?" I asked. I took in my surroundings. There were IVs shooting through my arms. I slowly lifted up the white gown I was wearing and winced as I saw the white, bloodstained bandages.

"We're in the hospital," he said softly. "Why?! Why am I here?!" I started to lean up, ripping the IVs out of my arms, but a man in a white coat rushed in with a needle.

He slowly injected it into my skin and I could hear Stan's whimpers as he did so.


....It's hand turned into some type of claw and as it started to walk away, it let out one more demonic laugh and slashed both Ben and I's stomachs with the claw.

I grasped at my stomach, screaming in pain....

...."Yeah? Well I plan to keep it that way." Richie finally successfully pushed past Bill.

I then saw the whole losers club. The one from Neibolt. They were all dead....

...."Is this a date or something, Uris?" I teased as me and Stan rode our bikes down Main Street. I looked over to see that his cheeks turned to a light shade of pink....


My eyes fluttered open and I could feel eyes on me. I leaned my head up and looked around. Richie and Stan sat side by side in uncomfortable looking plastic chairs.

"Hey, guys," I smiled and they looked up at me. "Y/n." Richie was crying, but quickly wiped away his tears.

As things went quiet, I looked down. "How long have I been in here?" I asked. Richie and Stan both looked at each other and then back at me.

"Two weeks."

Hey guys! I'm kind of sorry for this chapter, but I just had to add it in here..but I hoped you enjoyed it, and also just a warning, things are gonna get spicy soon and you're gonna get triggered at me. But yeah, I hope you have a great day/night..bye <3

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