Chapter One

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     I watched as my students piled into the classroom, talking about their plans for after class and such. Class times didn't last as long as they used to, at least that's what my grandfather would tell me. I looked around the room, taking notice of the torn, dirty wallpaper, the grey concrete floor, and the extreme absence of windows. I had a major headache that day, but I didn't want to let that affect me. I let the class settle down while I gathered my notes for the day. Just then, my supervisor, Mr. Black, walked in.

"Good morning, Mr. Wright. How are you?" he asked.

I gave him a small smile and a nod. I wasn't in the mood to talk much right now. As much as I preferred to ride solo in class, I knew he was here for a reason. Just like how babies have babysitters to make sure they don't screw things up, teachers have supervisors.

"Good morning. I'm alright, just a little headache. How are you?"

"Not well. Due to a couple of new laws, I won't be able to get paid for a couple years," I wasn't too sure what to say to that. Those kind of things happened a lot around here. Workers all around the country-doctors, mechanics, clerks- wouldn't get paid at times. But there was one job that never had to endure these circumstances, and that was being a teacher.

"But it will all work out, right? Ruler Penny always knows what to do for us, right?"

I nodded. Truth be told, I didn't really believe that he had a plan to do anything, but what do I know?

"Make sure you tell Ruler Penny I said thank you when you go to see him in a couple days," he instructed me. I'd almost forgotten about that. In about three days, I would be going to our nation's capital to meet with some very important people, including Ruler Penny. I was actually quite excited. Not because I was meeting Penny, but because I would finally have a chance to make a change. Hopefully my plans would be taken into consideration.

I walked up to the front of the room, instantly making my classroom go silent. I began to dive into the usual lesson, stating how well the government was doing and providing information on the jobs they do. I explained the systems and how they supposedly help us in our lives. I told them of the great accomplishments of our Ruler. After about thirty minutes into my presentation, I heard Mr. Black shuffling in the back. He mouthed, "I'm gonna step out", and then left. He usually never comes back.

This was a type of thing that happened often with Mr. Black. He would stay a few minutes and then leave. A pretty lousy supervisor he was. Although I usually frown on those who don't actively do their work, I loved it when he left. It left room to teach my students what they actually needed to hear, I wouldn't actually tell them that, though. During this time I'd teach them algebraic equations, and read to them classic literature. Maybe explain basic science and even add a little history in the mix, although I barely knew these things myself. I decided to do something a little different today, though. I loved to engage with my students. When I asked them deep questions, I learned more about them and how they think.

"What are your favorite things about our country?" I asked as I erased the previous information off of the board.

"Ruler Penny and his government" I heard a few of my students say. I figured they would.

"Oh? What do you like about them?" I questioned to no one in particular.

"Don't you read what you teach, Mr. Wright? Don't you know of all the wonderful things they've done?" Fata, one of my students asked.

"Sure," I stated, gently rubbing my temples. My headache worsened. Despite it being my job to talk about it all day, I never really enjoyed discussions about the government. It makes me feel uneasy. Like there's something that we don't know. Which led me to ask them another question.

"The government is well, and Ruler Penny is very wise, but do you ever start to question them?"

I noticed one of my students perk up in the back.

"Why would we? Everything's perfect," Fata said. I gave her a simple nod. "What about everyone else? What do you guys think?" They all agreed with Fata. I walked to the back where there sat a boy with a hoodie on, mindlessly doodling on a sheet of paper. I never talked to the kid much, he was very quiet. Hmm, what was his name again? Danieshine, I think it was.

"What about you? What do you think of the government?" I questioned once again.

"I don't know," he mumbled as he fumbled with his jacket zipper. "I mean, if I were in charge I'd change it a bit."

"Would you? And what type of things would you change?"

"I don't know. I feel like I'd tell people things"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I feel like our current government isn't telling the full truth"

"And why do you think that?"

He huffed and rolled his eyes. "You ask a lot of questions don't you?" I chuckled at that.

"Well, I-" I heard the clanking of a metal door opening. I looked at the source of the noise to find Mr. Black. He coughed and walked to the back of the classroom once more. I sighed.

"Okay, class, now where were we?"

"We were talking about ho-"

"Let's continue on with the lesson," I stated. I made sure my classroom didn't let any of the other teachers or students know about our little mini lessons. If they found out I was teaching outside of the curriculum, I would surely be fired. Or worse. There have been many stories about what would happen if somebody swayed from their duties to serve the country. But I'd rather not get into that.

"Where were we? Oh, yes. General government occupations.."


It was now after hours, and I was preparing for another lesson tomorrow. I wondered what I would teach them. I sat debating on Mathematics or Science. It was difficult not only because I knew hardly any of those subjects, but because I was pondering on today's events. I thought about what Danieshine had said, and how I agreed wholeheartedly with him. Why did subjects such as science exist but aren't being taught? I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't realized there was a figure in the doorway.

"Nuada," I heard Mr. Black say, grabbing me out of my daze. I hummed.

"Have you already made plans for tomorrow's lesson?"

"Yes, I'm almost finished," I stated, as I discreetly slid my lesson papers under a book.

"How's your headache?" he questioned.

"It's worse," I sighed.

"You should go see the school doctor when you're done. Don't want you missing a school day, do we?" I nodded. I decided to change the subject.

"How are you doing? It's a shame of your situation that you're in."

"Thank you for your concern, Nuada, but I know that Ruler Penny has everything under control," I internally rolled my eyes. "I envy those with your job," he teased. "Must be great to preach all that truth. Shame that I couldn't land that job," he winked at me. I just smiled at him. He sighed.

"Speaking of your job, I've heard from a student of yours that you've been questioning the government."

I sighed. Fata. "Is that really so wrong? It's good for them to learn to question things they don't know."

"They're children, Nuada. Easily influenced little beings. They don't know what they're talking about. That's why we have glorious teachers such as yourself to teach them what's truly right."

He paused to clear his throat, "You should know that, Nuada. I've heard about your extra lessons, and I don't approve of them." My eyes widened and I jumped back in my chair.

"What? How did y-"

"You're leading children astray from the right way. Don't let it happen again. Because if it does, I'll have to report you. And you're too good a person for that. Understand?" I reluctantly nodded. He gave me one last look and left. I sighed.

"What now?"


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