Faded Love.

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17 years ago...

17 year old Candace is in her bedroom, doing her homework. The walls were flooded with pictures of her as a kid, and her with her 18 year old boyfriend, Adrian. They've been knowing each other since middle school, and started dating on their junior year of high school. They are now getting ready to graduate. The excitement fills Candace. Her father walks in.


"Yes, daddy?"

"We need to talk about your boyfriend."

He walks in and sits on the edge of her bed. She gets up from her desk, and sat next to him.

"W-what is it?" She asked.

"Listen... I know you love that boy and he may treat you as good as you say he does, but-"

"-Where are you going with this?" She cuts him off.

"I just think he's not the guy for you."

She sighs. She heard this all before and is tired of hearing it.

"What makes you say that?"

"He seems... too immature to me." He explains to her.

"And by that..."

"Well... his ambition of becoming an artist... unrealistic."

She stands up, rolling her eyes. She stands by the window.

"Why don't you get a better... more mature man... like Rakim?"

Rakim is the high school football player that her father admires. He seen him in action, every time he's there to pick up his daughter.

"Dad... why?"

"Because that kid is going places... I mean look at him." He says. "Wouldn't you want a million dollar man?"

"Dad, I don't care about money." She tells him.

"But you are raised in a rich family, you ought to want a rich man."

"But dad..."

"But nothing! I want you to break up with that boy now! Or else you will no longer be claimed as my child anymore."

With that he walks out the room. Candace sits on her bed, ready to cry. She loves Adrian, and would never want to leave him. Her having to make such decision broke her heart. She broke down crying.

Later that evening...

Adrian is sitting outside of Candace's house in his 4-door Nissan pickup truck. He was jamming to Wu-tang. He sees Candace's dad coming out his house. He gets out his truck to speak to him. He was in his black buttoned down shirt, blue jeans, and white air force.

"Hey sir." He started.

"Oh... hello son." Her father says in an annoyed voice.

"Hi is uh... Candace here?"

"Yes, she is here." He answered. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to work."

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