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The next morning, Adrian dropped off Jennifer to one of her girlfriends' house. She had Molokai with him. Adrian gets a call from Candace. Adrian answers the phone via Bluetooth in his Land Cruiser.


"Hey Adrian!" He heard a happy Candace.

"Candace! Wassup?"

"I was kind of wondering if you'd like to meet up for some coffee?" She asked.

"Yes of course! Meet with you in 30 minutes?"

"Definitely! I'll be ready by then."


Candace hangs up. She smiles at the thought of meeting with him again. Rakim is crushing down on cocaine. She turns to see him sniffing it.

"Rakim, what the Hell??"


"Are you doing drugs??"

"Yeah, what's the problem?" He asked, sniffing.

"You, that's the problem!" She exclaims.

"You know, I don't understand the big deal." He shrugs.

"Well let's see, we argue, you drank a lot, you're doing drugs for God's sake!"

"Okay, so what?"

"Ugh!" She shook her head, turning away.

"You wanna sniff?" He asked.


"Come on, take a sniff babe."

"I said no."

He approaches her, trying to force her to do cocaine. She fights him off, pushing him away. It was silent for a while, as they stared at each other. He then slapped her, which was loud enough to echo throughout the house. She rubs her cheek, and started crying. Rakim tries to comfort her.

"Baby I'm so sorry."

"Get off of me!" She exclaims, pushing him off.

He put his arms up, and walks out the room. She slid down her wall, crying. She looks at the time and immediately stops crying, and began getting ready for her date. She looks in the mirror and saw where she was slapped at. She puts on makeup.

After a while, it was time for her to be ready

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After a while, it was time for her to be ready. Adrian was already on his way to get her. She looks in the mirror one more time to check herself out. She took her phone out to take a mirror selfie.

Adrian was outside her house. She lives in Beverly Hills. He pulls out his phone, and calls her. She picked up after the first ring.


"Hey, I'm outside."


He gets out his SUV, and went to the passenger side. He sees Candace coming out her house. He smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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