Horrortale Sans Ending (Horror)

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A/N: Hello my fellow readers and my followers. Thank you for reading all of the story. Sorry if there's any shitty parts of the story. Thank you for reading the story and thank you everyone for being so patient I know all of you must be really impatience. Sorry for not updating in a long time. I hope you can enjoy the story~



You were shocked at first but soon you hugged her. You learned something, you learned how to forgive someone who hurts you, you learned how to be strong even though some kind of sad past or some condition, and you learn...not all evil people are caused because of their ego or because of their miserable lives, makes them strong enough to be bad~

Everyone cheered for you, even the Robots and two of the felines. They both apologized to you and left. You looked at Revina as she smiled, she mouthed "thank you...I promise....I will be a better person." she said.


Love. When you know him and got close to your crush. It feels like you're the Bonnie and your crush is Clyde since you're crush can be really scary. Wait, who's your crush actually? Well, my lovely (Y/N). Your crush is Horrortale Sans or Horror. The scary, psychopath, and the axe user. Yes he always brought his axe everywhere just in case he needs a 'Head dog' or 'the meat' *cough* human meat *cough*.

You love his dark joke, you love his smile even though he can gave you a friendly smile or a menacing 'i will kill you' smile', you love him when he try to scare you even though sometimes he failed at scaring you because sometimes he can be predictable, you love him when he can be insane too like Error Sans.

You don't care the crack of his head, you don't care his insane personality, you don't care when he can be a masochist, you don't care when he kill someone, you don't care his menacing smile, you don't care when he got back with splattered blood on his jacket, and you don't care about his dark past where Undyne was the ruler and she stabbed his skull with her spear.

You love everything about him, even though he can be really scary. While you were imagining Horror Sans was blushing at you while you were teasing him (The reader have a wildest mind :v). A gentle knock was heard from outside the bedroom, "Hey Kitten, it's me Horror,"Horror called. You got off from your bed and walked to the door. You opened the door to see Horror Sans smiling at you while hiding something behind his back.

"Hey Kitten~" he smirked.

"Oh, Hey Horror. What's behind you?" You asked.

He pulled out a bunch of black rare rose. It has deep black color, dark but beautiful. You took the flower and sniff the smell. You smiled and blushed "Thank You Horror. You don't need To gave me this though." He pouted playfully at you "Aww, but i really want to. I want my kitten to be happy." He smirked and kissed your cheeks which made you blush harder than before.

He chuckled at your flustered face. He leaned closer and whispered softly to your ear"meet me at 7pm. Use some dress with dark color on it. Okay, Little Kitten?" He asked. You nodded shyly and then he disappeared, leaving you in a blushing messy state.While you were looking at the color, you smiled happily and close the door. You put the flowers on the vase and sniffed the rose again happily "Thank you Horror...." you whispered to yourself shyly.

After putting the flower on the bed. You opened the drawers and search some dresses that you can use for hanging out with Horror later. You looked at the dresses that you have in your closet but You only choose the one that you like and save the others.

At 5.00 pm until 6.30 pm, you took a bath, put the dress that you like, put some make up, put the short heels and then took your Handbag. You left the bedroom and saw Horror waiting for you "Ready to go Kitten?" He asked. You nodded happily and hold One of his skelly hands. He teleported to the amusement Halloween theme park. There was a lot of monsters and people using a scary costume such as zombies or Frankenstein. Since the Zombies are scarier than the Frankenstein's, you squeaked when the fake Zombie roared loudly at you and Horror held you close as he chuckled at your little squeak. When he does that, you pouted at him and hit him repeatedly while he was laughing at you.

You both were having fun by going to the Haunted house, winning some scary but cute dolls. He won you a cute doll, you squealed because how cute is it. When you press the doll, it let out a cute squeak noise which made you giggle a bit "It's cute like you Horror!". He growled softly "I'm not cute Kitten, i'm scary" he said as he suddenly tickled you and made you laughed out loud.

Then you both watched some show, even though Horror doesn't really like Musical Theater. You enjoy the show. Since he wants you to be happy, he watched the Halloween Musical Theater together with you. "Which one do you like Horror? I like the Vampire one! She as a beautiful voice!" You said. "I don't really have the preference but if i must choose...i like the Werewolf one. He has some move though" he answered as he held you close.

You both enjoy the Scary Gondola. You both sat on the little boat as the worker row the boat softly. When both of you got inside the cave and looked at the scary statues and the pumpkin lanterns. There was a jump scare again, it made you squeak and hold onto Horror which made him chuckle and held you close "It's okay Kitten, they are not going to hurt you. They are fake" he coos softly as he stroke your back gently.

You both went to the Ferris Wheel while bringing some cotton candies and the Soda. The line was pretty short so you botch could enjoy the Ferris Wheel for more than 1 hour. You both looked at the beautiful view of the Amusement Park. The view was so beautiful that you start star gazing on the sky then watch the view again. Horror notice the happiness in your eyes, he smiled as then he sat next to you "You like it huh?". You looked at him and nodded happily "Yeah, it's really beautiful and i had fun in here." He got close to you and took both of your hands, you looked at his hands and then you looked at him with confusion.

"(Y/N), I know i'm evil, dark and Cold hearted but somehow...when i'm with you, this feeling crawl over my heart. You unlocked my heart and i realize that i love you more than anything. (Y/N) (L/N)...will you be my girlfriend?" He propose.

You were speechless for a moment because you couldn't believe your ears. Before he put a hurt face, you quickly reply him "Yes! I i do!". When you both reach the top, he kissed your lips and there was a beautiful fireworks on the sky. You both kissed under the fireworks view.

After the event. You both went back to the mansion and all of the Sanses was upset because you were taken. But they also happy, they believe that you can fix Horror broken heart and change him to become a better person.

Thank you everyone for reading this story. I hope you enjoy this part of the story~




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