Chapter Five

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"Casey wake up."

I could feel someone gently shake my body.

"Come on, I brought you some food."

Whoever had been shaking me, was now getting rougher. Groaning, I opened my eyes, trying to see who had woke me.

"Oh good, you're awake," Destiny said with a kind smile.

I slowly sat up in bed, my muscles stiff from sleeping. Stretching, I looked over at her, watching as she placed the tray that had a plate full of food, onto my lap. Looking around the room, I noticed that Katie was no longer with me. Micah let out a sad whine when he couldn't pick up on her scent.

"I didn't think I'd ever get you awake, you're just like Xavier, hard as hell to wake up," she stated, before taking a seat in the chair by my bed.

"Xavier?" I asked, picking up one of the sandwiches she had brought me, taking a bite from it.

"My oldest son, it's like a damn act of Congress to wake him up," she stated.


"Katie's helping with the pups at the nursery by the way," Destiny said, as she took a swig of her sweet tea.


"I noticed you looking for her when you woke up."

Destiny looked at me with questioning eyes as I took another bite of my sandwich.

"She's your mate, isn't she?" Destiny casually said, causing me to choke on my sandwich.

"W-What?" I asked, feeling flustered.

"Smooth," Micah sarcastically mumbled.

"Shut the hell up Micah."

Destiny's face wore a kind smile as she handed me a glass of water.

How did she know? I thought as I took another bite of my sandwich.

"You're probably wondering how I knew," Destiny asked, I sat there staring at her, before slowly nodding my head.

"Your eyes."

"My eyes?"

"When you look at her, you have a look in your eyes that only a mate can make," Destiny said, smiling fondly at her wedding ring.

"I, for one, have no issue with you two being mates but I can't say the same for my hard-headed husband. He's quite protective of his little girl, you know how Alpha's are," rolling her eyes, she took a sip of her tea before continuing. "But I think he'll warm up to you."

I looked over at her, giving her a small smile as I finished my sandwich. She looked like she was about to say something else when there was a knock at the door. Shortly after, the door opened, revealing a man who looked to be in his early forties.

He had jet black curly hair that hung down to just below his ears, he was covered in tattoos, and he wore a ring on every one of his fingers.

"Calum, I didn't know you were here," Destiny excitedly said. She stood from her seat, walking over to him as they hugged.

"I just arrived, Trenton called me here, asked if there was any way I could help with his situation," the man I now knew as Calum said, gesturing towards me.

They both turned their attention to me. I slowly swallowed my water, as I stared back at them. Why the hell were they staring at me like that?

Then it hit me, he was referring to me.

"Took you long enough to figure that out, dipshit," Micah said sarcastically.

"No one asked for your opinion you damn mutt," I shot back at him.

His Saving Grace (Book One: The Redemption Series)Where stories live. Discover now