Supermarket - JB

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Y/N's POVーSupermarket

Today I saw him, again. That masked man that literally everyday buying bunches of snacks and home needs. Almost every weekendーI always shop in that supermarketーand I see him, again and again.

At first of course I don't care, but because we bought similar stuffs, I feel familiar with that man.

"Ehm, excuse me?"

I'm looking where that sound comes from, and when I look to the front I saw that man, the masked man that I always see. I suddenly feel both of my cheeks burning.

I panicked and realized that I was daydreaming while holding my trolley in front of a shelf.

"Y-yes? What do you need?" I don't know why I suddenly feel super nervous like this.

That man takes off his mask and throwing a smile at me, while saying, "I want to take that snack behind you."

Oh shit, his smile is just so sweet.

"O-oh, s-sorry." I quickly move my trolley so that man can take the snacks.

"You don't need to say sorry, chill. Anyway, I quite often seeing you here," that man takes several snacks from the shelf.

"Y-yes, my name is Y/N" I also take some snacks from that shelf.

"Haha, I didn't ask your name, tho." said that man laughs a little.

I was so freaking embarrassed when I realized that.
Dumb, dumb, dumb, why was I so nervous, Y/N?

"But it's okay, my name is Jaebum, and it's a pleasure to meet you."

I try to feel calm and not being too nervous by looking at Jaebum's trolley instead of his eyes. Wow! He got a lot of snacks!

"You're buying a lot of snacks, Jae. Are you having sleepover or something?" I try to start conversation.

"Hahaha, these are for my friends, Y/N." Jaebum explained.

He must got a lot of friends! Look at those snacks.

"You're done, Y/N? I'm going to the cashier," ask Jaebum.

I nodded.

"Wanna go together?" ask him.

And yes, today I talked to that masked man, Jaebum. I just hope next week I can meet him again.


Weeks after, we often meet and having a lot of conversation. I get used to go shopping together with him. My heart beat won't slow down everytime I'm around him. My cheeks blushed when I'm with him.

I feel like losing someone when Jaebum is not coming to the supermarket. I get used being around him. I don't know why but I enjoy how my heart beat's pace start to getting fast and faster when I'm near him. Luckily, we had exchanged our Line ID so I can contact him anytime.

Usually Jaebum said to me he's busy when he's not going to the supermarket

And I feel something disturbing surrounding my heart. Disappointment, perhaps? But what can I do?


Today I meet with Jaebum again. We talked about many things. Starting from snacks, to friends.

We shopped together. Pushing our trolley together while talking and joking around. I found out that Jaebum is kinda fun to have conversation with. Our conversation actually relate to each other.

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