big bird's cream pie

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y/n had been waiting for 15 minutes before the gorgeous yellow bird walked out of starbucks.
"hey babe, wanna go to Nando's" Big Bird said as he sent a wink towards y/n. little did y/n know what was going to happen in the toilets.

30 minutes later...
"so what do you do for a job?" big bird asked "I work at a burlesque" y/n replied. "I would love to see you dance" big bird said as he winked.

"let's go to the toilets" big bird said to y/n and held out his hand. y/n grabbed his big hand and stood up, then started to walk towards the toilets. "men's or women's" y/n asked big bird. "men's" he replied. y/n walked into the men's toilets and then walked into a cubicle.

as big bird and y/n close the cubicle door, big bird unzips his trousers to reveal his 10 inch cock and y/n bends down to start sucking it. big bird fucks her mouth until he cums deep in her throat. she gurgles it and swallows it so big bird could see.

big bird slowly takes off y/n's clothes whilst looking in her eyes and licking his beak seductively. his 10 inch cock hardens at the sight of y/n and groans under his breath, making her soaking wet. "do you like that baby, do you like the sight of daddy's cock" big bird says, making y/n aroused even more and moan even louder. "I do daddy" y/n moans.

suddenly, his big cock enters y/n's hole and she screams in pleasure. "fuck" big bird moans "your so tight baby." "only for you daddy" y/n replies. big birds strong thrusts make y/n's eyes roles back in pleasure, so much she feels like fainting.

y/n suddenly faints and her body goes limp, big bird stops thrusting and looks at her with concern. he get himself and y/n dressed and calls an ambulance.

10 minutes later...
big bird sits beside y/n as they drive to the hospital, his tears visible on his face as y/n's breathing patterns change. the blaring of the ambulance is deafening but big bird couldn't give two shits, he was worried about y/n. the paramedics were rushing around and asking big bird questions but he couldn't hear them, he was to busy looking at y/n's face. "this is all my fault" big bird whispers to himself as the ambulance pulls up to the hospital...

The Sexy Beak and I (Big Bird x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now