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the speaker started playing and the guests stood. big bird was stood at the end of the isle, his nervousness clear as day.

at the begging of the isle stood y/n in her beautiful gown. she was holding back her tears. her tears of excitement.

audible gasps could be heard when they saw y/n for the first time. she looked incredible in her beautiful dress.

she finally reached big bird after he slow walk and turned to face them.

"time for the vows," said cookie monster said.

big bird cleared his throat and started, "y/n, i have loved you since i first saw you in that coffee shop. your beauty left me breathless and your personality made me feel like jelly. i love you so much."

y/n smiled. "big bird. your thoughtfulness towards others made me feel amazing and your commitment to me made me feel special. i know i want to spend the rest of my life with you because you make me feel so special. i love you."

the guests awwed.

"do you, big bird, take y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love her in sickness and in health, in life and death? to love and cherish her?" said cookie monster.

"i do."

"do you, y/n, take big bird to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love him in sickness and in health, in life and death? to love and cherish her?" repeated cookie monster.

"i do."

"you may kiss the bride," said cookie monster.

the married couple leant in to kiss eachother. this kiss was full of love and passion. their love was clear.

the end... maybe...

The Sexy Beak and I (Big Bird x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now