Larry meets UF!Sans

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((Language warning))

Larry p.o.v
"Fuck dude it's cold as shit" I hold my arms and rub them (?) trying to get warm. "Great fucking day to wear a T-shirt" I mumbled pissed off at myself. This place looks really edgy. I walk into a small town and see this smaller skeleton talking obviously pissed off at a much taller skeleton. After a while of yelling he eventually walks off toward me.
UF!sans p.o.v
I was just yelling at paps for throwing out my mustard what a dick. He's always a dick I'm used to it but that pushed me over the edge heh... "hm?" I see a brown haired guy standing there confused. Looks like I could easily beat him up so I walk over to him. " hey freak" I know that's a shit name but fuck it.
Larry p.o.v
Fantastic using nicknames he looks like a guy who won't do much tho so I'm not too worried. "The fuck do u want shortie!?"( I cant spell) I'm so glad I'm tall. Although I see that pissed him off.
UF!sans p.o.v
Did he just call me short!!? Ugh! Whatever. He's annoyingly cool. W-WHAT AM I SAYING! He's a jerk..heh yeh..jerk...
Larry p.o.v
Is it bad I wanna know him more? Nah. He  seems like a cool dude. I'm tempted to ask him but all I do is punch him in the stomach I have no idea where that came from!
UF!sans p.o.v
Did he- he just punched me! What a dick! I punch him back I have to admit tho he can punch pretty good. I may be a jerk but I have respect for someone that can put up a fight. "A'ight u seem cool plus u can punch pretty good so why don't we hang smoke? Drink?" I ask hoping he'd say yes.
Larry p.o.v
Did he just ask- "sure bro u seem cool too" I reply glad I finally have a cigarette I've been waiting ages for one. He takes me to a bar and we drink get a bit drunk and smoke and tell bad jokes overall he's one of the coolest guys ever. He reminds me of sal in a way. He showed me his gold tooth and I seriously want one and I found out he likes heavy metal this guy is fucking awesome sure he can be kind of a jerk sometimes but so can I do it's a win win.
UF!sans p.o.v

I can't believe he likes heavy metal I thought I was the only one but guess not and he seems very interested abt my gold tooth. This guy is fucking awesome. He knows how to fight which is good and he's strong too he's a pretty cool fuckin guy.

(( 466 words!!! This took a while so hope you like it and the next one will probably be up tomorrow))

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