Part 8(?)

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I'm back bitches.

It's the next day, I rock up to work at McDonald's very enthusiastically, George managed to get the kid for another few days but I'm starting to question how he's getting him and why the kids parents would willingly give their kid to some dude in a mask and sunglasses but alright.

I've been on shift for about 2 hours now and no sign of James and I can tell George is getting annoyed because he just wiped out the kids Mcnuggets off the fucking table and then went and played on the kids play equipment

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I've been on shift for about 2 hours now and no sign of James and I can tell George is getting annoyed because he just wiped out the kids Mcnuggets off the fucking table and then went and played on the kids play equipment.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard the familiar, unforgettable voice of the one and only, James Charles

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I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard the familiar, unforgettable voice of the one and only, James Charles. "HI SISTERS!!!" He screamed with a smile, but as soon as he saw me his smile dropped, he walked towards me. "Lenney." He said in a displeased tone and matching facial experience. "Charles, or should I say, Dickinson." I said smugly, ya know the good part of James Charles dating your best name is you learn a lot about James, such as he hates his real last name. "Don't call me that William JONATHAN Lenney!" "Woah dude chill." I said, already pissed off that this clown lookin sket.

" I said, already pissed off that this clown lookin sket

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"DONT TELL ME TO CHILL!" He continued to scream. "I'm sorry sir. I'm going to need you to stop yelling, you're disturbing the customers" I say, cool, calm and collected even tho I'm about to rip that little bitchs stupid fucking Bitch ass face off.

"Then kick me out then! You won't!" He screamed in my face

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"Then kick me out then! You won't!" He screamed in my face. "You're right sir. I won't kick you out. I'll get your usual order." I said but as I looked up to find George I seen someone I did not expect to see. It was Fraser, on y'all fours sniffing around like a dog.

I got worried so I quickly ran over to him

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I got worried so I quickly ran over to him. "Fraser! What are you doing here?! I'm working!" I whisper yell at him. "I smelled James Charles. Need morphe James Charles brushes." He said like a drug addict when theyre sober. "Well you can't be here!"

Just as I said that, James Charles comes marching over. "YOU!" He yelled pointing at Fraser. "You ate ALL my morphe brushes! LUCKILY! I have these ones!" He yelled whipping them of Frasers favourite makeup brushes out. I knew what was about to happen so I ran back to the counter, Just as I got to the counter Fraser Jumped at James Charles for the brushes. He was unstoppable.

I quickly called James Marriott to come pick him up, only James could stop him now

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I quickly called James Marriott to come pick him up, only James could stop him now. But in the mean time I decided this was the perfect time to prepare George and the child who I'd forgotten the name of but can't be bothered to find it. I texted George to come to the back with the child.

"Ok. No first we need to prepare his muffin, what we're going to do is-" i was cut off by the child speaking. "What am i gonna do?" I was angered. No one dare interrupt the great Willne!


I now hear crying, but not from the child, from George

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I now hear crying, but not from the child, from George. I had forgotten George was an orphan himself. You see, when George was 13, his parents dropped him at his favourite place to play, the dumping ground, George expected them to come back, they did but not to pick him up, they drove their to throw a jar of smelly old pickles at him and point and laugh at him. From then on, George only ate jars of pickles and loved the smell of trash. He was living and working at the junk yard for another 6 years before I found him and took him in. I introduced him to food other then pickles from the jar and introduced him to YouTube.

"Oh my god George I'm so sorry- I forgot" I said completely remorseful. "You showed me more then just pickles in life Will! How could you?!" He half yelled. "Pickles?" The child said which annoyed both me and George. "Shut up kid!" George yelled. I looked back at George. "George I'm am so sorry." "No problem. We are here to take down James not to talk about pickles." He said calming himself down.

As I was about to tell George and that snotty little orphan my plan my dumbass manager

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