Chapter 4 baby-napping

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I sat on the rocking chair holding iris singing her a lullaby for her to sleep yellow was standing behind me rubbing my shoulders 

The best scenery is always the same scenery

It's important that we walk together

With tears that spilled just a little bit

I noticed my true feelings

The star that I found at the edge of the night sky

Is now here as a small light

Beyond your gentle wishes

My smile will always be there

The reason why I smile is fun and happy is

Because you're always by my side

Right now I want to tell you

I want to tell you that I love you

When I first met you in the middle of the season (y)

We were in high spirits and full of excitement

I couldn't say "I'm sorry" or "Thank you"

So in my chest, there was a feeling of loneliness

In the pitch black night sky, the moon was like a lamp

I'm not alone so I gradually began to smile

Beyond your eyes that looked ahead (b)

At any time, there was everyone's smiles

The reason why your smile is always shining is

Because you have a wish

The white tail of one shooting star

Now makes our feelings one (both)

I know you much more than before

Wherever you go b, I will follow y

Beyond the wish are two lights

So there will always be a smile

The reason why my smile is fun and happy is

Because you are "you are"y beside me "beside me"y

You're always there

Right now I want to tell you

I want to tell you that I love you (b and y)

The song is two wishes Maho girls precure 

Iris fell asleep as yellow and I sang I stood up and put her in her crib "good night my little flower" I said as I walked out I went to our bedroom and laid beside yellow she read her book to me for a solid half an hour I drifted asleep but I woke up to a cry "I got her yellow" "ok" I got up and went into our daughters room I went over to iris's crib and picked her up she stoped for a moment then started to cry again I sat on the rocking chair "shh mommy's here now it's ok" I patted her back gently after five minutes she stoped crying and started to such on my skin "oh are you hungry little one?" I slipped off a bit of my nightgown and put her by my chest "my you really are hungry aren't you" "ba" "oh really" when she was finished I burped her then she and I were "talking" "you really love her don't you" I looked behind me "yellow what are you doing?" well I was awoken by you talking to our little flower" "would you like to hold her then?" "Yes please" "ok sit on the couch" "okay" she went over to the couch beside her crib I got up and placed her in yellow's arms "she's so beautiful aren't you little baby" "DAH" she made her sound fairly loud  yellow and I laughed iris also started laughing with us I sat on the couch with them I kissed yellows cheek she blushed making iris laugh "really you find that funny huh"y she stared at yellow with her big round beautiful eyes she reached her hands up to her face and grabbed yellow's nose "I love you too little one" iris yawned I kissed yellow while doing so I took iris from her arms "really" "it's past her bed time and she needs to sleep now" "all right" she went to our room "let's get you back to bed little one" i got up and placed her in her crib I sat for a bit waiting for her to go to sleep when she finally went to sleep I went to my bedroom and laid down and as soon as I did she started to cry again and I heard foot steps in her room i ripped the blankets right off both yellow and I, I rushed to her room when I got there someone was at the balcony it's rose quartz and she has my baby she's crying loudly "GIVE ME BACK MY BABY!" She looked at me as I ran towards her she jumped off the balcony and disappeared I collapsed on my knees then laid down holding myself and crying a lot I heard yellow come in and over to me I sat up and laid in her arms "s-she took her she took iris" I sobbed  "shh it's ok we'll get her back I promise my dear blue" I looked up at her "promise?" "Yes even if it takes me the rest of my infinite life"

Pearl POV 

 I was sitting outside with Steven trying to get him to sleep he is only three years old then I heard a crying baby I went to the source of it carrying steven there was a baby and she was crying all alone and abandoned with a teddy bear and a necklace on her "GARNET, AMETHYST!" They rushed out of the house "What is it P" "there is a baby" garnet walked over and picked her up "shh baby it's ok"g she stoped crying there was something on her a note "hello my name is iris" garnet read aloud steven reached for the baby and she opened her eyes they are diamond eyes "she's blue and yellow diamonds daughter" I said "but why is she here?"a "maybe a gem had taken her here for us to take care of"G steven reached out for here "aww little Stevie likes her" well they are technically related because pink diamond is rose quartz but you already know that if you're reading this story "what is steven still doing up?" Greg said "Well I was trying to put him to bed until you had came but then we found a baby" "oh would you like it if I take care of her" "I think i'd like to take care of her"g the baby smiled but then started to cry which made the three of us including steven cry "she's definitely blue diamonds kid" "yep"g steven and Greg left we went into the temple "amethyst can you shapeshift into a crib please" I asked "sure" she turned into a crib garnet placed her in iris fell asleep "tomorrow we're gonna get a crib right" "yes amethyst we will" "good cuz I don't wanna do this every night" 

No one POV

Amethyst woke up to iris crying "uh guys something's wrong with her" garnet walked over and picked her up "she may be hungry"p "or a dirty diaper" "no she doesn't have that" amethyst shifted "she might miss her parents"g "pour baby" garnet was right she did miss her moms and how they'd always sing her song to her every night although when she grew up she didn't remember them at all all she remembered was their voices and their song they sang to her 

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