Chapter 8 space trip

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Space trip space trip we goin on a space trip 

Iris pov

I opened my eyes the top of my head hurt "Garnet?" I heard her walking then she opened my door and came in "Yes?" "Why does my head hurt?" She sat beside me "you hit your head in the crash" "What crash?" What is she talking about there wasn't a crash was there "we were in a ship of two gems that took us hostages mainly you for bad reasons" "but why me I'm just a dumb kid" "who called you dumb?" "Karla" "don't listen to her she's just jealous of you" "probably cuz I have more friends that actually like me" "that could be it" she hugged me "do you remember anything about what the jasper peridot said?" "Who?" "They were talking about diamonds and stuff" "oh well that's probably not anything to worry about it's not like they are my parents or anything" garnet hesitated for a moment "Yeah of course not why would they be your parents" "what do your eyes look like?" "My eyes?" "Yeah" she took off her visor they are three different colours one for each eye "your eyes are so pretty" "thanks and your one eye is very pretty when you go back to school I would like you to have it showing for the day" "when I go back to school? you mean today" "no you got a minor concussion and you can't go to school for a week steven will bring you back your work okay" I nodded I hugged her "I'm hungry" she kissed the top of my head "what would you like?" "A bagel" "all right i'll call you when your food is ready" she left my room I laid back down I didn't have my pendant on I got up and looked for it "now where are you" I looked everywhere in my room I went out of my room "garnet have you seen my necklace?" She looked at me "Yeah it's on the counter" "thanks" I picked it up and put it on its magic and even if it's of I can still use magic it's just weaker I heard my bagels pop up garnet grabbed them both as they jumped up she put them on the plate then put cream cheese on them and gave it to me I took a bite "thanks garnet" I swallowed "you're welcome" I finished eating pearl walked in "what is she still doing home school started an hour ago" she asked "she has to stay home remember" "oh right" I cleaned up my dishes "garnet can I go out side" "if amythest goes with you yes" she looked up from her phone "aw garnet do I have to"a "Yes you do" "ugh fine" aymethest and I went outside we walked around town for a bit "u wanna get something to eat" "but I just had breakfast" "so" "well okay I guess" we started to walk towards a McDonald's when I saw lala's ship land in the forest amythest wasn't paying attention so I snook off through the crowd of people my pendant started glowing it started to float and pull me somewhere and what do you know it was the forest I started to run as I got close my necklace stoped floating pretend everyone after this point is speaking in Japanese "hey guys" Hikaru and the others looked over at me "hey iris!" Fuwa floated over to me "Fuwa"f "hi Fuwa" "we were just about to find the next star princess's pen and thought if you would like to come with us?" Madoka asked "sure i'd love to come" I smiled we got on the ship I sat in a seat with the others around the table the ship counted down 5 4 3 2 1 we're going on a ship in out favourite rocket ship zooming through the sky little precure "where are we going?" "My screen says it's on the planet Bora BZ6E"l "oh cool" "we can unbuckle now" lala said we unbuckled and started floating well I wasn't floating "how come you're not floating?" Hikaru asked "I don't know" gems can adjust to any gravity but I'm not a gem I think I don't know any more my hair was floating though "your eye is so pretty" Elena said "t-thank you" "why do you cover it?"m "I get made fun of a lot from it" "well people are mean then"l "I agree with you there lala"m lala turned the gravity back on they all fell and my hair stoped floating "you could at least warn us when you do that"h "we're here now" we looked out the window it looks weird "why is the planet hollowed out lala?"h "I don't know it said this planet was full of life but it says the pen is on its largest moon"l we landed  on the moon "it's so full of life here"E "but it's planet not so much"l "I think it's a old gem colony" "gem colony?"h "gems are aliens who came to earth over thousands of years ago and the crystal gems are still on the earth the rest of them who are on earth were corrupted by the diamond attack" "what about the colony why does it look like that" "the earth was supposed to look like that too if my aunt rose didn't stop pink diamond... from... colonizing it" "isn't your last name diamond"m "y-yeah it is" "wouldn't you be related to her then?" "I never thought of that but I am just a human not a gem at least I don't think" "well no human has a yellow eye and diamond shaped pupils except you of course"e "yeah well we should get going we don't want the bad guys to get the pen now do we" I said laughing nervously "right lets go" we followed Elena who was following her pendant we stoped near a tall tower like the earth moon base "this is definitely a gem colony" "let's go inside"h I opened the extremly large door we walked in it looks exactly like the one on earths moon except newer "twincool"h I heard sobbing up stairs "how do we get up there?" Prunce asked "here" I steped on a floor panel and stairs came out of the wall "i'll go up first I think someone else is here too" "tell us if it's safe"m "ok" I walked up the stairs when I got up to the top there was a tall blue lady sitting on a chair she's speaking in English now  "um e-excuse me" she looked at me "hello little human what are you doing here" she had tears streaming down her face "I'm looking for a special pen" "on this moon?" I nodded "why are you here?" I asked "I like to come to my wife's old moon base to get away from things" "why are you crying?" "Oh it's nothing" "it's okay you can tell me" she had a spite smile "I lost my dear friend pink she was like a child to me" "pink diamond?" "How do you know her name?" "on earth people talk about her statue all the time it's just out side of the city" "interesting" "is there anything else that makes you upset?" "Well twelve years ago i had a baby girl with my wife she was so pretty but she was taken away from us by rose quartz" "what did she look like" "well she was just a baby but she had two different coloured big round eyes and a little bit of blonde hair" "she must have been so cute" "she was, where are your parents don't they miss you?" I looked down "I don't know my parents" she got up and caressed my cheek with her finger she is really big "you said you needed a pen correct" "yes" "I think I can help you" "really" she nodded and shrank she gave me a hug "I hope you find your parents" "and I hope you find your daughter" we walked down the stairs Japanese again "hey did you find the pen" "no but she can help us find it" "I may know where it is" "you can speak Japanese" "I can speak any language once I hear it" I can do that too how can she do that too we followed her through this place "the flowers are so pretty"h "I water them my self" "they're so beautiful" "thank you i used to come here when I was pregnant with my little flower" "what was her name?"m "her name was iris" "hey that's your name" Elena nudged me "oh here it is" she picked up something off a pedestal "here" she handed it to me then I got blasted to the ground "ow" I got up the pen is gone and aiwarn has it great there was a large notraider it steped on the nice ladies flowers "my flowers!" "Everyone"h they nodded they tranceformed because I'm to lazy to go into detail "w-what humans can do that?!" Blue lady asked "only some like my friends for example and other precure" "I see, can you do that too?" "no well not yet anyways" "we'll im sure you would look very pretty if you do" "thanks" there was a loud boom "iris a little help here" "right" I got on my flying board thing I flew above the notraider and fired crystals at it "meheheheh" it hit me with its arm I fell to the ground "ouchie" Selene helped me up "you okay" I nodded I went over to the others "how do we get the pen?" Star asked "follow me i've got a plan" Soleil said I decided to sit this one out and oh my stars garnets gonna be mad af the three (star, Selene, and milky) were distracting the notraider while Soleil had tried to get the pen at which she was struggling with so I teleported behind Aiwarn and blasted the pen out of her hand and yes I can teleport I just don't very often "thank you"s she inserted the pen into her pendant "precure Scorpio Soleil Shoot" She shot the ball the notraider was using to attack "ready"st they nodded "precure southern cross Shot" they defeated the notraider Aiwarn got frustrated and left in her ship they detranceformed "that was incredible" blue lady said "thanks"l "of course" "sorry about your flowers" "hey no worries I love watching them grow" "well I suppose we should get going" "it was nice meeting you all" "same here"h she walked over to me "I hope to see you again okay you'd have to come visit some time" "okay" I smiled she smiled back we boarded the ship we all waved to her as we took off she waved back "hey you kinda look like her"h "oh well that's just a coincidence" "wasn't your hair shorter" "what do you mean?" I asked "Your hair is now a bit longer than shoulders length" "oh my stars it is" "it's  magic!" Hikaru shouted as she fell we all laughed together Fuwa teleported us back to earth "I gotta go garnet is gonna be furious with me" "bye!" "Bye everyone" they went back into the ship to go back to japan I ran back to the house when I got there it was already past supper "and where were you?" Garnet said leaning againced the counter "I-I was I was" I can't say I went to space "I got lost in the city and found my self in the forest" "likely story what were you really doing?" "I went to space!" I blurted out then covered my mouth afterwards "YOU DID WHAT!" pearl shouted from the other room "I went to space with my friends to find a certain time they needed" "and that was?" Garnet asked "a part they needed to fix Lala's ship" "I see who is Lala?" "S-shes" I cant say she's a alien even though they are too  "a human who owns a space ship" I laughed nervously" "did you meet anyone?" She asked "a blue lady yes" "a blue lady?" I nodded "anyways I should get to bed now" I started walking to my room garnet grabbed my shoulder "what did she look like" "why?" "Just wanna know, was she a gem?" "I don't know" "what was she wearing?" "A long navy blue dress with white hair and she was really tall" "did she tell you her name?" "No why are you asking me these questions it's not like she's bad or anything" "if she is who your describing then yes she is" "all she was doing was crying about pink diamond and her child she also planted flowers" "blue diamond planting flowers where?" "On a moon with a moon base she said it was her wife's old one" "you can go to bed now" I went to my room and put on pjs I over heard garnet speaking with pearl "she spoke to one of the diamonds?"p "apparently she still doesn't know who she is though I'm just glad she doesn't remember anything from last night ether"g why is she happy did something bad happen last night I heard footsteps comming to my door I scurried to my bed and got under the covers garnet walked in "you okay" I nodded "good did you hear anything that I was talking about" "no what were you talking about?" "Nothing" liar she kissed my forehead "goodnight my little flower" "night garnet" I closed my eyes garnet called me her little flower and blue called her daughter little flower before she was taken away by aunt Rose could she and I be the same person because I'm here but when I first met steven he was three after rose became apart of him could it be her ghost who took her? Well I'm going to get to the bottom of this once I go to school again my friends and I will find out and Karla shall die well I wish but she could be struggling with things in her own life but it gives her no right to pick on me I started humming the song I was sung to as a baby that is all I can remember about my child hood "mommy loves you my little flower"?

AN: I won't be able to update the next two weeks for I'm camping 

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