Chapter 1: Winter

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(Authors notes- When you see words inside {} means that a Pokémon is speaking... Humans just hear them saying their Pokémon language. Gosh, I feel like I want to be a movie director or something one day LOL. If there is a mistake or something just send me a message please, thank you!)

<==December 15th==>
"Wake up!" Yells Rookie's sister. "Wh- Wha... Is it time to go!?" "Yes, it's almost late! Hurry up!" Yells Rookie's sister Rookie immediately gets out of his bed and dresses up, rookie then runs towards the kitchen where his sister Xara was. "Ok I'm ready to let's go," says Rookie. "What about breakfast?" Xara says to Rookie. "There's no time to eat breakfast-" "SO there is no time for breakfast I hear? You waked up late for breakfast I see... IT'S LUNCH TIME! I'm ready to see your starter Pokémon any time soon" Rookie's dad says with a smile on his face. "Yeah... Good morning to you too dad" responds Rookie walking towards the door for the outside. "Choose wisely, Have this protein bar so you can eat it on the way out there, you at least need to eat something," says Rookie's dad pointing the protein bar at Rookie. "No thanks dad I-" "NO, you at least need something to eat to get started with your day young man" Rookie's dad responds. "Ok, ok thanks dad I have to get going, love you!" Says Rookie opening the door in a rush as Xara runs outside exited so as Rookie. *Sight* "Love them together," Rookies Dad says to himself.

In the outside, it was a snowy white and cold day. As Rookie and Xara walk together to professor oak's lab they were really hungry in the way over there. "Man I'm hungry, once we get our starter Pokémon do you want to head out on a fast food restaurant with our Pokémon?" Rookie says to his sister Xara. "Well... sure! I only ate a protein bar, same as yours... C'cmon eats yours you need something to eat" Xara responds. "Yeah ok, ok, sure," Rookie says opening up his protein bar. "So.. You look like your stressed out what's wrong?" Xara says to her brother. "Well I'm not-" Rookie then takes a bite from his protein bar. "Mhmm..." Rookie looks up to the sky while walking with Xara. "You better try this" Xara then stops walking and just stares at him seriously. Rookie then noticed and turns around. "Ok, ok I'm just not really sure... I'm not sure what kind of Pokémon I want but-" Rookie then takes another bite of his protein bar. "If I pick the wrong Pokémon that goes on me... I know I had a lot of time to think which one I wanted to pick-" Rookie finally finishes his protein bar. "Trust me it will be FINE" Xara responds with a smile on her face. Xara and Rookie then stop walking and what they see from their distance is flames. Flames coming from the location where they wanted to go, Oak's lab. Xara then stops smiling. "That's Oak's lab..." Xara says with fear. "Noo!" Rookie says running towards Oak's burning lab. "Wait!" Xara follows Rookie.

There was a huge crowd of people and Pokémon near Oak's lab. Rookie and Xara have a concerned face looking at the burning lab. A few seconds later a group of Squirtle's known as the Squirtle squad appear and try to take all the flames out by using WaterGun. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh," Rookie says frustrated. "How in the world are we going to get our starter Pokémon's!?" Rookie yells. "Don't yell, it's ok... It's not like we both don't have to have Pokémon to survive" Xara says to Rookie. "Yeah right b-but" Rookie gets interrupted and Xara takes Rookie by his hand and walks away from the crowd with him. "Stay calm we can get help... l-like we can ask someone if they know some-guy that gives or sells starter Pokémon's!" Xara says Trying to keep her brother calm. "O-K-ok" Rookie says. "C' mon let's just ask some people if they know someone else that gives starter Pokémon's," Xara says to her brother. Xara walks up to a random person and asks him If there was a person he knew that sells or gives Pokémon as starters but the man said he did not know anybody who sells or gives Pokémon as starters but he only knew professor Oak. Xara and Rookie continued asking a few people until they gave up.

Xara and Rookie meet up at the same spot. "I can't do this...some people think we're weird" Rookie says to his sister. "Yeah and it's so cold I don't have an idea how professor Oak's lab was burning, I'm tired of saying the same thing... Let's go home and explain to dad what's up" Xara says. "I'm hungry can we first get lunch and then go?" Rookie says to Xara. "Ok we can get lunch" Xara responds. "Hey look there's a restaurant near us let's go!" Rookie says running towards the restaurant. Xara and Rookie sit down on their chairs to order their meal. A Lucario was Xara's and Rookie's waitress. "Hello, do you want to try our new homemade mango, grape juice?" Lucario says. "Wha... WHAT?! You can speak?!" Rookie yells as Xara just stares blankly at Lucario. The rest of the people in the restaurant are now staring and Rookie and Lucario. "S-Sorry I did not know he could tal-" Rookie then gets interrupted. "Sorry about that everyone, my friend here is sort of hyper today, I will try to make him not yell any more y'all can mind in your own business now" Xara says. The rest of the people stop looking at them now. "Sorry about that-" Xara stops. "Its ok I learned how to telepathically speak , May I take your order now?" Lucario says onto them. "Sure! I will want that mango and grape juice you said earlier please" Xara responds. "Ok, and for you sir?" Lucario says looking at Rookie. "I want a glass of raspberry lemonade please" Rookie responds back. "Ok and are y'all ready to order your food yet?" Lucario says to them. "Uhmm... not yet" Xara responds back to Lucario. "Ok I will get your drinks" Lucario walks to the kitchen. "Did you even planned this out? Do you have enough money to buy this food were going to get?" Xara says to Rookie. "Well yeah... I have about two hundred dollars" responds Rookie. "Ok I will look at the choices I have on the menu then" Xara says. A couple of seconds later Rookie finally decided what he wanted to eat so as Xara too. "Im interested on the spicy shrimp noodle ramen" Rookie says to Xara. "Are you sure? Isn't it too spicy?" Xara says to Rookie. "I have not tasted it yet and you know me, I lOVE spicy stuff" Rookie responds looking directly at his sister. "Yeah, yeah" Xara giggles. "Ok I got your drinks" Lucario arrives saying. "Mango, Grape juice" Lucario says putting Xara's drink on the table. "Thank you" Xara says. "Your welcome, Raspberry lemonade" Lucario places Rookies lemonade on the table. "Thank you very much" Rookie says to Lucario. "Your welcome.. Are you ready for your orders now?" Lucario says onto them. "Yes, May I have the spicy shrimp noodle ramen please?" Rookie responds. "Ok.. How about you mam?" Lucario says to Xara. "Uhm I want the Udon soup please?" Xara responds. "Ok.." Lucario walks to the kitchen.

Rookie's dad sits down on his couch and listens to the TV holding a bucket of popcorn. "I-I somehow got turned into my Pokémon... Thi-This is impo- blah bla blah...." Comes out of the TV, a guy talking on a breaking news. Rookie's Dad laughs and then stops. "Wait this... this is real!? Its the official news!-" The door opens from the main door of the house. Rookies dad turns off the TV and puts down the bucket of popcorn. "So how did it go? Let me see your starter Pokémon's!" Rookie's dad says with excitement looking at them. "Well... there weren't any Pokémon...." Xara says to her dad. "What...?" Dad responds. "Yep..." Rookie says. "So there weren't any Pokémon you say? In professor Oak's lab!? He usually has a lot of them!" Dad says surprised. "Yeah... There was a crowed Of people and Pokémon there-" Xara stops. "Well I know a person who sells Pokémon, He is my friend John! Here have my phone, there it can lead you to him... it's a map that tells you where to go" Rookie's dad says opening a app and putting down an address. "Here" Rookie's dad says pointing the phone to Rookie. "Thanks dad" Rookie says. "Let's go!" Xara says with excitement. Minutes later they make it to Johns house. "We're here..." Rookie says. "Nice!" Xara says. Rookie knocks on the door and waits. The door opens slowly a couple of seconds later with two voices talking to each other, One voice sounds like professor Oak's voice. "Uhm.." Rookie whispers. "Ehemm... Hello! I'm your dad's friend from work! He told me that you guys came here to get your starter Pokémon's right? Oh yeah and he also send me photos of you both because I dint knew how you both looked like.." John says with a smile on his face. Xara looks down shy. "Come in!" John says to Rookie and Xara. "Ohh.... WAIT..." John stops walking so as Rookie and Xara. Rookie and Xara both see professor Oak sitting in a couch. "WHAT!?" Xara whispers to her self seeing Professor Oak. "Well... I forgot to tell your dad and both of you that I uhm.. I-I only have one Pokémon left sorry!..." John says to both of them. "Oh uhm... well.." Rookie says slowly looking at his sister. Xara looks back at Rookie. "What ever it is, My sister can have it" Rookie says smiling at his sister. "Really?" Xara says to Rookie. "Yeah really.." Rookie responds. "Thank you!" Xara yells with excitement. "Ok, ok here you go it's a Bulbasaur, let it choose you first if it wants to be with you as your starter Pokémon" John says letting Bulbasaur out of the pokeball. Bulbasaur looks directly at Xara. "Hello there little one!" Xara says to the Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur then walks closer to Xara as a sign that it likes her. "It likes you! Ok here you go... all of this stuff..." John says pulling a black colored backpack. "Inside here is what you need to be a really good trailer.." John says pointing the backpack at Xara. "Thank you!" Xara says to John. Xara then puts Bulbasaur inside the pokeball. "I got Bulbasaur!" Xara yells. Rookie smiles because he is happy seeing his sister happy having a Pokémon. Rookie then looks at professor Oak. "Well hello there sorry that I could gave you any Pokémon... My lab burned down, I quite don't know how though" Oak says to Rookie. "It's ok" Rookie says to professor Oak. "See you both, have you good one!" Oak says to Rookie and Xara. Xara and Rookie then get out of the house and head home.

Rookie and Xara are walking home together. "Thank you.. Dint you wanted to get a Pokémon so bad?" Xara says to her brother. "Yeah but... I rather have a flame thrower.. like a Charmander!" Rookie says. Xara and Rookie laugh about that. Minutes later Rookie and Xara are at home and open up the door. "Dad were home!" Rookie yells. Rookie's dad comes out of his bedroom. "Let me see what you got Xara!... I'm sorry to hear that you did not got your Pokémon yet but you can get yours sooner or later, you will still have one though in the future" Rookie's dad says to both of them. "It's ok I don't have to have a Pokémon to survive" Rookie responds. "I got a Bulbasaur!" Xara yells and gets Bulbasaur out of his pokeball. {Hello!} "Bulbasaur!" Bulbasaur says. "Good choice, good choice..." Xara's dad says. "How many pokeball's do you have?" Xara's dad says to her. "Let me check..." Xara says looking inside her backpack. "I have five pokeballs and other stuff" responds Xara. "Nice! You should go to the Pokémon gym to train your Bulbasaur! And make sure to give it love too!" Rookie's and Xara's dad says. "We have been walking almost all day though!...." Xara says exhausted. "I will help you!" Rookie says motivating. {Training?} "Bulbasaur?" Bulbasaur says. Xara takes a few seconds to think about training her Bulbasaur. "Eh fine" Xara responds. Xara and Rookie head out to a Pokémon gym and spent hours there.

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