Chapter 2: Rookie the Eevee

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"That was a long one" Rookie says riding his flashing LED skateboard. "It's night we have to go fast... I think dad is waiting for us" Xara says worried. "Fine let's go running then, I have a skateboard so I can go faster hahaha" Rookie replies. "Yeah whatever" Xara giggles. Xara begins to run, and Rookie riding his skateboard. A few seconds later Rookie realizes that there was something shining in the floor beside the sidewalk, something out of place. "Wait!" Rookie stops his skateboard and walks towards the bright colored gold stack. "What is it?" Xara says to Rookie. "Its a pile of gold... and this strange brown gem that has a symbol on it... what does this mean..?" Rookie says holding a strange transparent brown gem that has light brown painted tines over it and a light gray symbol in the middle of the gem. "I think you should-" Xara stops. "Uhm.. Xara?! I feel this strange heat coming from the gem to my hands! It has this feeling on it!" Rookie says in fear. "Hahaha..... Very funny" Xara says. "Ok we don't have enou-" Xara stops. "I-its glowing so bright!" Rookie yells. "Let it go, let it go!" Xara yells at Rookie. "I cant! Its stuck to my hand!" Rookie tries to get the gem out of his hand. Rookie attempts to throw the gem and tries everything he could to get it off his hand but its like the gem is part of his hand. Suddenly there was a tiny explosion that occurred on Rookie and Xara got pushed back from him. A few seconds later Xara woke up.

{Blahgh..... Ehh... I don't feel good...} "Evurgh... Erh... Eva.. eeveh eevee eah" Rookie says attempting to get up. Another few seconds later Rookie finally notices something weird. {I feel weird...} "Eva aevee evee..." says Rookie. Xara hears Rookie saying weird stuff. "R-Rookie?!" Xara says with fear. Xara walks closer to an eevee on the same spot that Rookie was having trouble getting a gem out of his hand. {What? I think I'm ok... wait.. my body!} "Eva? Eevee evee... evur..eievui!" Rookie yells. Rookie immediately stands up and looks at his body. {I-I'm a Pokémon?...} "E-Evee eievui?" Rookie says so confused. "WHAT!? Rookie is that you!?" Xara yells at Rookie. {WHAT!? Yeah its me! I-I feeh...} "EIEVUI!? eva eevee! E-e eveh..." Rookie falls in the ground sleeping. Xara just stares blankly at her brother as a eevee and pets him. "What in the world?" Xara picks her brother up and hugs him all the way home. Xara opens the door to the house and sees her dad coming out of the kitchen. "WELL, WELL... its late!.... How was it? And where is Rookie at?" Xara's dad says. "Well... he... uhm.." Xara stops and stares at her brother on her shoulders. "He-he went to a sleep over with his friends without telling you!" Xara responds to her dad. "Well... he should've said for permission first before going I guess..." Xara's Dad says scratching his head from the back. "Yeah I know... right?" Xara says looking at her dad. "Did he told you when he is coming back?" Xara's dad says to her. "Well he said that he's coming back tomorrow at noon!" Xara responds to her dad. Her dad sighs and looks directly at a eevee in his daughters hands hugging it. "You got another Pokémon eh? An EEVEE!? Looks adorable! Have you named both of your Pokémon yet?" Dad says with excitement. "Well..." Xara looks at her brother. "T-This eevee does look really cute after all and.. I-i'm lucky i cached it but i have not even named none of my Pokémon yet.. because it's night and i dont have enough time to think about it.." Xara stops. "Its ok you can think of names tomorrow, Good night! Have you ate yet?" Xara's dad says to her. "Yeah me and Rookie ate, he bough all the food" Xara responds. "Eh, what a good brother you have! Your eevee looks tired you both should sleep right now good night!" Dad says. "Good night dad!" Says Xara to her dad as she is walking to her room caring her brother with her. "You go here" Xara places her brother at her bed. Xara turns off the lights. "How is this even possible? Im sure we can find someone tomorrow to fix you some how... You as an eevee.. you look cute" Xara says with a smile on her face. Xara lays down on her bed beside her brother, Xara pets her brother. "Good night" Xara whispers. Xara finally sleeps.

<==December 16th==>
"Good morning" Xara wakes up and sits on her bed. Rookies seems to be sleeping still. "What am I going to do about you?..." Xara says to herself. Xara pats Rookie. {Hmm?.....} "Ehh?...." Rookie slowly opens his eyes and wakes up. "Rookie!" Xara says silently. {Xara? Wh-What happened to me?} "Eva? Eh-evee eievui eevee?" Rookie says attempting to stand up. "Sorry I can't understand you, your just repeating similar things like eevee, Eva, And eievui... like that's you language.. that makes sense because your not human anymore" Says Xara looking at her brother. {Seriously!? You can't understand a single thing I'm saying? Please tell me your lying because right now is not the time!} "Eevee? Eve Eva eievui evee eeve? eievui Eva evoi!" Says Rookie. "To be honest I don't know what your saying, sorry but your even more cuter every time you try talking to me!" Says Xara. Rookie stares directly at his sister. {Wh?!-WHAT! CUTE! NOOOO I don't want to be cute! Then If you don't know what I'm saying... Xara your bad at playing video games!} "Eh?!-EIEVUI! EVA! EEEVEE Eva eevee evoii! Eveeii eievui eevee eveee... Eva evee eve eeevee eeve!" Says Rookie. Xara laughs. "Your so CUUTE!" Yells silently Xara. Rookie gets really mad and starts panicking. {No.. no, no, no ,no! Am I going to stay like this forever!?} "Ev.. Eva, Eva, Eva, Eva! Eva evoii eevee eea eievui!?" Yells Rookie. "Sshhh! No, no, no your going to wake dad up-" Xara stops because she sees her door opening. "What's going on here?" Dad enters the room. "Oh.. I was trying to play with my eevee but it refused, Its still sleepy.. I'm sorry eevee go back to sleep!" Xara says with a smile looking at her brother. Rookie looks at her angry and confused and pretends to be sleeping. "Ok I'm just checking if everything is ok, Don't abuse Pokémon just saying-" Dad stops. "I hate abuse! Why will I ever do that to this... adorable thing!" Xara responds to her dad. {WHAT DID YOU SAY?} "EEVEE EIEVOI?" Silently says rookie at Xara. "Ok just saying. Says dad to Xara. "I'm going to make breakfast... same as always?" Says dad to her daughter Xara. "Yes same as always... can you give my eevee a basket of... Brownies?" Says Xara to her dad. "Brownies in the morning?" Dad responds back. "Yeah... its an eevee" Xara says. "Everything for an eevee right up!" Dad fast walks to the kitchen. {I love brownies!} "Eva eievui!" Says Rookie. Xara looks at her brother. "It wasn't a good idea to touch that gem"

Minutes later Xara's dad brings a basket of six warm chocolate fudge brownies and Xara's breakfast. "Here you go, be careful... The eevee of yours should only eat three brownies and the other three are for you ok" Xara's dad says to Xara giving her milk, her breakfast, and the basket of brownies. "Ok thank you dad!" Xara responds. "Your welcome" Xara's dad walks out of her room. {But I want all the brownies!} "Evoii evee eva!" Says Rookie. Xara giggles. "All of them are for you" Xara says giving the whole basket to her brother. {Thank you!} "Eevee!" Rookie says. "I guess your saying thank you right? Your welcome!" Responds Xara smiling at him. Xara takes a first bite of her food. "Hmm.." Xara continues eating her food. Rookie looks at his sister and looks at his brownies. {nah} "Eeh" Rookie takes a brownie on his mouth and half of the brownie falls off in the bed. Minutes later Rookie and Xara Finnish eating. "You need a bath" Xara says grinning at her brother. {No I don't need a bath!} "Eva eevee eievoii!" Rookie responds. Xara gets up from bed and walks slowly at her brother. {Please no it's privacy!} "Eva Eve eevee!" Rookie walks backwards slowly and falls down from the bed to the ground. {Oof! Ow that hurts so bad! Agh} "Egfsh! Eva evee eevee! Egh" Rookie Attempts to stand up again but Xara carries him to the bathroom. "Are you ok?" Xara says to her brother. {Please stop!} "Eevee!" Says Rookie. "What are you doing?" Dad says looking at Xara "I'm going to take him a bath" Xara responds. "Oh ok" Dad says walking to his bedroom. "Hehehe your going to enjoy this" Xara says with a evil like smile at her face at Rookie. {Please!} "Eva!" Says Rookie. Xara places Rookie at the bathtub and turns on the water. Water falls down to the bathtub and Rookie then stops resisting and gets towards the water. A minute later Xara baths her Brother. "You have soft fur!" Xara pets Rookie. Rookie has a angry face looking at his sister. Xara grabs a tooth brush and gently brushes her brothers fur. Rookie gets relaxed by it and slowly starts sleeping again. Xara grabs her brothers shampoo and uses it to bath Rookie. A few minutes later Xara takes Rookie out of the bathtub and puts him on a towel. "Your so little and cute!" Says Xara to her brother. Rookie wakes up with an embarrassed and annoyed face. {I-It's so cold!} "E-Evee!" Says Rookie shivering. Xara puts her brother at her bed. "I'm going to brush you!" Xara says to her brother. {WHY!?} "EVAA!?" Rookie says. Rookie attempts to run but Xara grabs him and starts brushing him with a comb. Every single time she brushes him he makes sounds. {Please stop..... Please... stop.. ha-} "Eevee evah..... evee... eva.. eh-" Rookie Sleeps relaxed again. "Why are you so cute as an eevee? I dunno" Xara says finishing up brushing him. Xara puts her brother at her bed.

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