Chapter 5: The Maw

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<==December 17th==>
Rookie wakes up and sees the sun rising. {Strange... My body does not feel too cold!} Rookie says to himself looking at his tail and fur covered in snow. {Im glad that i still remember my past-} Rookie walks towards a rock with something sitting on it. "Theres a way that i can help you" Mewtwo says getting up from the rock. {Who are you?} Rookie says to Mewtwo. "My name is Mewtwo, so i can help you transform back into a human by going into a location-" Mewtwo gets interrupted. {Really!? How do you know that i was human before?} Says Rookie onto Mewtwo. Mewtwo turns around to look at Rookie. "Hmm..." Mewtwo closes his eyes.

A few minutes later Xara wakes up from her bed. Mewtwo randomly teleports in her room and forcefully grabs her by her hand and attempts to teleport her to her brother. "Hey let go!" Xara pushes Mewtwo away from her. "You need to see your brother!" Mewtwo yells at Xara. "Wait wha-" Xara says to herself. Mewtwo finally grabs her hand and teleports her and himself to Rookie. "Oof!" Xara falls in the floor. "Whe-where are we!?" Xara yells at Mewtwo. Mewtwo points at her brother. "Hi can you finally hear me? Rookie says to Xara. "I don't understand! Your still an eevee... how can you talk!" Xara yells at her brother hugging  him. "I love you i missed you! Why did you ran away!?" Xara says to rookie crying. "Sis i have a horrible headache... please don't yell... I might forget myself soon..." Rookie says to Xara. "Oh-" Xara gets interrupted. "Sorry we don't have enough time for family business here but Mewtwo only set us both Rookie and me to keep our past memories and conciseness for one day and if we waste enough time were going to be weird normal wild pokèmon's... like me and rookie were a couple of mintues ago..." Frost says to both Xara and Rookie. "Oh and my name is Frost" Frost says to Mewtwo, Xara, and Rookie. "I set both of them to talk and keep their past memories and conciseness for one day... Thats why your the only human that can hear them talk" Mewtwo says to Xara. "Oh... M-My dad! My dad is a Pokémon! We have to fix him too!" Xara yells. "Dad too!?" Rookie yells. "Yeah dad..." Xara says. "Oh i forgot about him too... Im lazy to turn y'all back into humans so me and these two made a plan to turn yourself back" Mewtwo says to Xara. "Can you teleport my dad here please? Now..." Xara says to Mewtwo. "Oh right.." Mewtwo disappears for a few seconds and comes back with a Oshawott. "That there is your dad" says Mewtwo to Rookie and Xara. Frost stares at them almost sleeping. "Dad!? Thats dad? How... did he transform too?" Rookie says with a excitement confused tone. Rookie's and Xara's dad faints. "So we need three cure bottles for me and your brother and your father..." Frost says. "Im leaving all of this for you guys... The factory that you used to work in is north from here... Go straight over there and you'll find the abandoned lab" Mewtwo says onto them.

"Thanks whoever you are again!" Frost says to Mewtwo. "Whatever.." Mewtwo disappears. "Ok lets go" says Frost caring Rookie's and Xara's dad with him. "Ok!" Yells Xara. Rookie and Frost look at Xara. "Oops sorry!" Xara whispers. "Lets go but we shouldn't make any loud noises!..." Frost says to Xara. An hour in the half later the group arrived at the abandoned laboratory. "Its almost night alreday!?... Heres my old job... I worked here but... whatever" Frost says silently slowly looking at his tail. "I got six tails?! I... Ugh! Lets just find the potion maker!" Frost says to himself. Rookie, Xara, and Frost enter at the abandoned lab. "This looks like were on a horror film or something" Xara says. "The potion maker must be on top of those stairs over there!" Frost yells. "I'm afraid I'm not letting you" Adam yells at the group from above. "YOU!... How can you understand what i'm saying!?" Frost yells back at Adam. "Well...". Adam stops. Adam suddenly turns into a charizard and burns the broken and abandoned lab again. "Guys you distract him or fight him and i will make our three potions to drink ok!" Frost yells at the group. "Got it!" Xara responds. "N-No! Im not letting y-" Adam gets tail whipped  by Rookie in the face. "First i'm going to kill you and the rest of you!" Adam yells at them. "And when the people notice the fire on this place they will call an ambulance or police-" Adam gets tail whipped again on his face. "Thats it! Aaaaah!" Adam uses flame thrower at Rookie. "AAAARGH!" Rookie falls down from a high place from trying to tail whip Adam again. "Rookie!" Xara yells running towards her brother. "Your ok?" Xara says to Rookie. Frost uses Icy wind on Adam. "The potions are ready!" Frost yells. "Heheheh..." Adam laughs. Adam grabs Xara and puts a red and black transparent gem with blue lines around it with a big bolded symbol in the middle of it an her belly. "NOOO!!" Xara yells loudly as Adam throws her in a wall and suddenly explodes. "Wh-what??" Frost says confused and scared. A Zorua falls down to the floor from a wall. "Xara!" Rookie yells running towards her sister now as a Zorua. Mewtwo suddenly appears and takes Adam with him and disappears. "Oh no..." Frost says looking back where the brewing stand was. "There is no more ingredients to make another one..." Frost says drinking a potion. Rookie looks back at Frost saddly. Frost transforms back into his human self with ripped and burned looking clothes. "And your dad is back into his human form too... So-" Frost gets interrupted. "GIVE ME THAT POTION" Rookie says to Frost. "My name is Lucas now but ok" Lucas names himself his old name and gives the potion to Rookie. Rookie opens his sister's mouth and puts the drink inside her mouth.

"What about you!?" Lucas yells at Rookie. "I love my sister... my headache again is worse! My head hurts so bad! AA...aagh..Shhh....Eeveeh?" Rookie falls down to the floor sleeping. Xara wakes up a few seconds later. "Rookie??" Xara sits up looking at her brother. "What happened?" Xara says confused. "Uhm... there were only three potions left... Your dad, me, your brother gave his potion to you because you transformed into a pokemon to.. because he loved you" Lucas said sadly looking down. Xara cries looking at her brother. "Why?!!" Xara Hugs Rookie caring him home. Minutes later Lucas places Xara's dad in his bed. "Th-the house is fixed..." Xara looks around the house. "Can you make a at least one more potion for my brother?" Xara says to Lucas. "Sure, I will head my way... see you tomorrow!" Lucas says running towards the lab. "Tomorrow you will be just FINE!" Xara pets her brother. "You have a big fluff tail..." Xara Sleeps. Hours later Lucas makes it in the lab. "They sure cleaned this place up-" Lucas gets shot on his chest. "NO..." The man that killed Lucas says to himself.

<==December 18th==>
Xara wakes up exited. "Your going to be back!" Xara yells. Dad opens her door from her room. "I'm going to make breakfast... same as always?" Dad says to Xara. "Y-Yeah... don't you remember that you transformed into a Pokémon right?" Xara says to her dad. "Wh-Wha....What? Are you ok? N-no..?" Dad responds confused. "Uhm... What?! What did you do yesterday dad?" Xara tells her dad. "Well.. I cleaned the car.. We were talking about which starter Pokémon you should get for yourself.." Dad Responds. "What!? That was on December fourteenth! What about Rookie?" Xara says to her dad. "Uhm... Who is Rookie? And today is December fifteenth" Dad Responds to Xara looking at her with a suspicious face. "What?!" Xara Cries. "A-And... Xara are you in any drugs!?" Dad yells at his daughter. Xara pretends like all of this was a prank and laughs while crying. "It's just a little joke dad!" Xara laughs. "Are you sure?..." dad says with a serious face looking at Xara. "Yeah-" Xara gets interrupted. "When did you get your starter Pokémon? An eevee?! It's cute!" Dad says to Xara looking at Rookie in her bed sleeping. Xara makes up a lie saying "O-oh my eevee? I woke up at seven to get it... it was early but at least I got my starter Pokémon! Sorry I got to exited so I wanted to get it early in the day" Xara Responds to her dad. "What did you name it?" Dad says to Xara. "I named my eevee... Rookie!" Responds Xara. "Aah... ok..I'm going to make breakfast... same as always?" Dad says to Xara. "Again? You already said that dad" laughs Xara. "Did I know? Oh ok!" Dad says laughing while walking towards the kitchen. Rookie wakes up. "Eevee?" Says Rookie looking at Xara. "Rookie your awake!... dad does not know you at all.. He thinks it's December fifteenth or something!" Xara says to Rookie hugging him. "Eevah gui?" Rookie says scared and confused. Xara does not even know that Rookie lost his memories and acts and behaves like a normal Pokémon. "I... don't even know what's happening anymore..." Xara says sadly. An hour has passed and Xara feeds her brother a basket of brownies again and eats her breakfast. Rookie did not trust the brownies so he did not ate nothing at all. Another hour has passed and Xara takes Rookie for a walk outside. Rookie runs away from Xara in the wild again and looses her. A year has passed and Xara never got a chance to see her brother Rookie as an eevee again. Rookie eventually gets caught by a Pokémon trainer and transfer's Rookie the eevee to professor Oak so he can give Rookie the eevee to someone else as a starter Pokémon.

<==February 2nd==>
Xara has a lot of friends on high school and has a fun life but still misses her brother. Xara's starter Pokémon is a Treecko and months later it evolves into a sceptile. Rookie gets named eevee.

The end.

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