Chapter 1

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I'm sorry if there if i misspelled something and a bad grammar.Anyways,Some of the states will look like the picture above.Thank you.Enjoy

It was a normal world meeting.England and France are fighting,America yelling about him being the hero,Canada being ignored again,and Germany is about to explode.Just before Germany can explode, the meeting room door slammed open, revealing a 6 year old girl with Brown hair,a flower crown on her head,a green Hawaiian dress,and pink flip flops.She scanned the room to search someone,America. As soon as her eyes landed on America, she ran to him while shouting "Papa!". Everyone (Minus Canada,Prussia,Romano,Lithuania,Belarus,Russia,and Japan) was too shocked to even move. "Lily? What are you doing here?" Asked Alfred(America) "I miss you papa!" She said excitedly, she looked at Matthew (Canada) and waved "Hi uncle Matt!", Matthew waved back. " WAIT A MINUTE! WHO IS THIS CHILD!? AND WHY IS SHE CALLING YOU PAPA!?" Yelled/ask Arthur (England),"Alfred please explain who is this young girl." Said Ludwig (Germany). "Oh, this girl is the personification of Hawaii, her name is Lila H. Jones and she is my child.Lila say hello" "Hello!" Lila said while waving to everyone. "Wait do ypu mean your states is personified!? And you have 50 states does that mean you have 50 children?!" Asked Arthur "Well actually 51, one of my city is also personified" Said Alfred "Ohonhonhon Alfred you must be busy" Francis (France) said with a smirk "Hey! It's not like that they come to me when my state was formed and ever since the first child i keep getting more everytime i have a new state" Said Alfred "Can we meet them, we need to make sure that they're not dangerous" Said Ludwig "Um...sure thing" Said Alfred a bit hesitate to let them see his child. After that they agree to go to the meeting building then Alfred will lead them to his house where his children are.

The next day Alfred was walking to the meeting building to get the other countries.The ones who showed up are The axis,The Rest of the allies,the Nordics 5 ,Matthew,Gibert,Lovina(Romano),Tolys(Lithuania),Nataly(Belarus),and Antonio(Spain)."Hey dudes ready to go?"ask Alfred "Ja,yes we are ready" Said Ludwig.then a limousine stopped in front of them.they got in the limousine and the drive of

~a few minutes later~

The limousine stopped in front of a massive mansion, "My god, Alfred you never tell me that you have a mansion!" Said Arthur "Yeah sorry about that" Said Alfred.The walked past the gates,from the distance you can see a boy that looks like Alfred waiting the in front of the mansion."And who are you?" Ask Ludwig. "Hello there, i am D.C the capital of the United States of human name is Davie D.C. Jones, nice to meet you" Said the boy who looked just like Alfred.


Hey guys i hope you liked the chapter, and i don't know when will i update this book.anyways bye 👋

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