My Name Is...

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I'm not the sporty jock that is the captain of the school's football team, nor was I the popular handsome bad boy with the muscles and nice hair, No not me My name is Stephen Reed, yep thats me riding the bike to school I'm 17 not really that build I was 5'7 and only 180 pounds, I had long brown hair that stop at my shoulders, I had green eyes and a small nose and I did have nice teeth so that was a plus.
I was on my way to school this morning, I was a Junior at Herbert Hoover High School, I wouldn't say I'm a nerd the term nerd is so 80's I'm just smart you know like the guys from Big Bang Theory. I live in Adairville, Tennessee which is a small town full of idiots, it can be very easy to be a target. My day started off as a normal Tuesday morning riding my bike to school. suddenly a 2013 silver Chevy Silverado started driving slowly behind me, I acted as if I did not noticed I started speeding up my peddling and I could hear the engine roar louder. I turn into an alley behind a brown house hoping they would drive past, but they turned as well. I was unknowing to the fact the alley led to a dead end, three guys stepped out of the truck.
Tyler Hunter a 18 year old senior, he was the star Lineman, standing at 6'3 and 326lbs he had a buzz cut hairstyle and had dark red hair, brown eyes and freckles on his cheeks. Then you had Michael Shaw, he was wide receiver stood at 6'1 and 210lbs, he had long brown hair that stopped in the middle of his back with a low shaved beard, he was dating Kelly Green, she was the captain of the cheerleading squad and the driver was the captain of the football team Christian Mosley, Christian been an asshole to me since seventh grade and over the years the picking just got worse. "Stephen buddy why you take off like a mad men" Christian said as they walked towards me "what do you want Christian?" I said looking down so he couldn't tell how scared I was "well first off it's disrespectful not to look a man in his eyes while having a conversation, didn't your mother teach you anything?" He said as he pulled my hair to make my head look up "ouch" I screamed as Tyler and Michael laughed "listen this week is SAT week meaning we need those answers to the test or else we won't get a scholarship so guess what we need from you I know you're good with all the technical hacking shit, so we need you to hook us up with those answers" Christian said "Christian I can't do that ok I could get expelled or worse I could go to ja-" I said and Christian punched me in my stomach causing me to fall to the ground "come on Stephen don't make me the bad guy in this situation ok but you have a choice, either you do it and I pay you or you don't do it and well I kick your ass" Christian said. I thought about it as I was trying catch my breath "how much?" I asked he smirked and said "$300" Christian said "make it $500" I said, Christian laughed "this isn't a negotiation $300 is the final deal" Christian said as him, Tyler, and Michael started laughing "I say no you kick my ass, the way I see it I'm the one who's risking something $500 is my offer" I said. He looked at me for a while "fine Reed just have it by Friday understand?" Christian said as he started walking back towards his car "asshole" I said as he drove off, I fixed myself up and starting walking to school.
I sat in my first hour which was chemistry, my favorite subject being taught by my least favorite teacher Mr. Long. If you were to ask me, he shouldn't be a teacher for a high school as a matter of fact, he shouldn't be a teacher for any school. He always smelled as if he lived in a bar, the way he looks at some of the girls in the school he seems like a pedophile, and for a chemistry teacher he knew nothing about chemistry.
He was a heavy set man with a beard and a full head of hair to say the least he looked like Zach Galifianakis but fatter and more hairier and not to mention he kinda was a dick.
"Remember my young scholars S.A.T is just around the corner, the moment you all been waiting yes the Harvard and Yale's valedictorian and your fathers lawyers and family doctors all started here in a classroom like this" Mr. Long announced to the class "Mr. Long you went to Harvard?" Tony Sales said "actually Tony I went to Yale" Mr. Long said with a big happy grin forming on his face which was a lie Mr. Long looked as if he didn't even graduate high school "so why the hell you became a high school chemistry teacher instead of a lawyer or doctor" Tony said causing everyone except me to laugh "ok class is dismissed and please, everyone I know it's testing week but that doesn't mean you get out of the lab experiment due this Friday" Mr. Long said. We all gathered walking in a line to turn in the assignment from last night, I got behind Kelly Green and she smelled so good she always smelt like a mixture of flowers and vanilla and she was so beautiful . "Mr. Long I didn't understand the assignment from last night, you think I can come in on my lunch for help?" Kelly asked "sure thing Kelly" Mr. Long said with a smile, Kelly left and I stepped up.
"Hi Mr. Long I was just wondering do you happen to know when is this years science fair?" I asked and Mr. Long room a sip of his coffee "there won't be a science fair this year Stephen" he said "what! Wait why not Mr. Long the science fair is important ok I'm a junior this year meaning scholarship" I said to him "Stephen the school budget can't afford a science fair this year ok, we just got new uniforms for the football teams, we got a new floor in the gyms, and not to mention the laptops, ok the laptops weren't cheap" Mr. Long said "so all this school really care about is the athletic department, what about all the clubs huh? we have a lot of people in the glee club and even the drama club who are going to be wanting the science fair" I said "Stephen for the love of god it's out of my hands ok the decision was made in the beginning of the year by the schools superintendent ok? There's nothing I can do" Mr. Long said "can't or just won't?" I asked Mr. Long sipped his coffee "have a good day Stephen" he said, I grabbed my bookbag and left out of the classroom, of course this school only cared about the jocks what do you expect when Christian Mosley is the star of our entire city and not to mention the principle kid.
I couldn't wait to get out of this shit hole city, it's filled with nothing but idiots, drunk winos, and the people who are pissed they're stuck in this small city. Between my home life and school life I didn't know which was worse, when I got home it was the usual stuff my mom was on the couch passed out drunk and her boyfriend Nick was at the table smoking a cigarette. Nick was a compromise complete loser he was about 6'3 and 215lbs with a beer gut and a dark red hair that if you pay enough attention you can see that it's receding, He used to be a construction worker until he hurt his knee. Now he just sits on my mom couch and drink beer all day and his only source of income is his disability check.
I walked past him not saying a word and tried walking to my room, and I was stopped by Nick walking in front of me. "Didn't you ever learn to speak to your elders when you walk in a room boy?" Nick said I looked at him and said nothing, he grabbed me by my hair and banged my head against the wall "I'm the man of this house and you will respect me you understand!" Nick said I tried to escape but his grip was too strong, he grabbed my face and squeezed it "do you understand?" He said I could smell the beer and cigarettes coming from his breath it almost made me vomit. "Yes I understand Nick" I said and he banged my head on the wall, causing me to fall to the floor, Nick grabbed his keys to his truck and his pack of cigarettes and headed out of the door. Trying to fight the tears running down my face, I rushed upstairs to my room and slammed the door and buried my face in my pillow. I hated Nick more than anything and I hated my mom for even lowering her standards to date him, I guess it's hard to have standards when your always passed out drunk.
I went to the bathroom to check the cut I had got on my head I looked in the mirror, got a towel and dabbed the cut with warm water. I stared in the mirror and I finally let the tears I was holding back rolled down my face. The lights begin to flicker on and off "Hello" I heard a deep rugged voice I looked up and seen my reflection but instead my face in the mirror didn't match my face I was making. "What the hell" I said I was staring in the mirror and it was me but with a creepy smile on my face "Hello Stephen" my reflection said what I was seeing made my body freeze up and my mouth non verbal "what's the matter, cat got your tongue?" My reflection asked "ok I got hit on my head a little too hard I'm going to close my eyes and everything will be normal again" I closed my eyes to open them to see my reflection still staring at me with the creepy smile. "What are you?" I asked "I am you, the real you the you you're afraid to be" my reflection said "well how do I get rid of you?" I asked, "You can't Stephen I just said I am you I want to help you need to release the anger Stephen I'm here to help you" it said "how?" I asked "well allow me to show you" he said and everything went black.
The next thing I know the next morning I woke up in my bed wearing a black hoodie, black cargo pants and my boots, that was one hell of a dream I think I should get myself checked out that cut had me hallucinating. I walked out of my room to hear my mom crying and screaming at the news on tv "Harper was found in the back of Family Dollar where he had multiple stab wounds, police are investigating this situation more updates at 6" the newscaster on TV said. Nick was dead I only dreamed he would leave but never thought of him actually being dead, "do you like what we did" the deep rugged voice said I quickly went to the bathroom and I realized it wasn't a dream my reflection had the creepy smile like yesterday "see what we did Stephen?" My reflection asked "we? Did I kill Nick?" I asked "no WE killed Nick and it was fun you liked it as much as I did you had a big smile on our face as you were stabbing him to death" my reflection said I started panicking and my heart started racing "oh my god I killed someone, I'm going to prison, their going to fry me for this" I said "nonsense Stephen calm down everything will be fine I promise but think about it Nick Harper was a horrible person to you and your mom we did a good thing" It said.
I didn't know rather to be happy or terrified but the reflection was right, Nick was an asshole and I guess now maybe my mom could get her shit together "Stephen I'm your friend, I would never do anything you haven't thought of doing yourself, you just have to trust me" it said I don't think I had much of a choice "fine but no more killing and what do I call you?" I asked. I have finally snapped I'm in a bathroom having a conversation with a voice in my head and I just murdered my moms boyfriend, my life is starting to sound like a Wes Craven movie "call me...Damien"

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