24, Home

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Hey guys! This is the finale! There's some implied M stuff in here, but not really any details or anything, so there's a head up on that. And even though this is the finale, there are still some short stories and pictures I want to draw for this fanfic, and I will upload those as I get to them, but there's no set schedule or anything. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the last fluff-filled chapter!

Kakashi, Koishii, Tenzo, and Gai walked out of the building that the Hokage's office had been in, their report over. Koishii had gone back to her previous room to put some fresh clothes on quickly before meeting the Hokage with everyone. She wore her usual evening attire of an oversized long-sleeved dark red shirt, charcoal shorts with long black leggings, and soft charcoal evening boots; she would have been damned if she was going to meet the Hokage in nothing but a dirty weather cloak. "Well, guys, I think I'm going to go home," Tenzo said, waving everybody off. "And I think I'll go have some sake and sushi, followed by a thousand laps around Konoha! Kakashi, my rival," Gai started, wrapping his arm around Kakashi's shoulder and leaning in close, his hand covering his own mouth, "now is the time to let the power of youth take over! Take Koishii out, and let your youthful love shine with passion!" Gai turned and quickly wandered off after he was done giving Kakashi his unsolicited advice. Both Kakashi and Koishii stared at him in annoyance as he marched off. "He seems like a real character," Koishii stated, not sure that she liked him much yet or not. Kakashi stuffed his hands in his pockets, "well, would you like to grab a bite with me?" Koishii stared at him. Truthfully, she wanted nothing more than to spend some more time with him. But in the pit of her stomach, anxiety lie waiting. She still found it hard to open up to Kakashi, and to her surprise, she was actually annoyed at herself for it. But after everything she had been through, maybe she should start trying? She knew she could no longer deny that there was a spark between them. An everlasting spark: one that she had come to accept that started when she was a child. After a pause, Koishii nodded. She was hungry, after all; she had not eaten in four days. "Great. What would you like?" Koishii crossed her arms as she thought for a moment. "Let's go get some BBQ, since Gai is getting sushi. But to go. I don't really care to sit down and eat anywhere." Kakashi smiled, "me, either."

The sun had set, and a blanket of dark blue intertwined with sparkling stars covered the skies. It was a fairly cool night, the winds quiet. Koishii and Kakashi ate under the tree that held the swing they had grown so familiar with. Kakashi leaned against the tree as he ate, his legs crossed at his ankles. Koishii sat upright, catty corner to him, with her legs criss-crossed as she ate. "It's a nice night," Kakashi pointed out after he had finished eating. Koishii looked up, putting her box to the side, and leaned back, drawing her knees up. "It is," she agreed, also looking up. Kakashi looked at her, a crazy idea forming in his mind, "you know, we could go back to my place for a movie and some dessert." Koishii looked down and smiled at the thought of being in his home; she had grown quite fond of being in his presence. She looked at him and smiled gently, "after all we've been through, a movie and dessert sound nice."

"What do you think the Hokage will say?" Koishii asked out of the blue, only half paying attention to the last few minutes of the movie as she popped another bite of green tea cake into her mouth. "Hm? Oh, well, I'm not sure, but," Kakashi started, thinking back to when he, Koishii, Tenzo, and Gai were giving their reports to the Hokage:

"I'm glad to hear that the mission was a success, and I'm happy to see you back here, as well, Koishii. However, there is some great debate among some of us as to what you're fate with us will be. The Jounin council, advisors, and myself will meet about it first thing tomorrow. In the meantime, I will allow you to stay in your room instead of prison, but Kakashi is still to be assigned to you. Come meet me here later in the morning, and I'll share with you the decision."

"The Hokage is very generous, and your case is special. I don't think he'll go too hard on you." Koishii sighed, putting her empty plate down as the credits rolled. "Where is your bathroom? I'm still filthy from the mission." Kakashi was struck silent for a minute. Koishii was going to shower here? He shook the images of her naked in his bathroom, saying, "it's down the hall to the left." "Thanks," Koishii said, getting up and walking that way. Kakashi watched her leave, and after she shut the door, he grabbed his Icha Icha book and began reading, wondering if she would be staying the night.

Koishii wrapped herself in the towel she found hanging on the rack. She wiped away the condensation from the mirror, staring at herself despite the steam building back up on it again. Her heart was racing, as she thought about what it was that she going to do. She wondered if Kakashi wanted it, or if she was even ready; she had never actually wanted to give herself to anybody. Not that she hadn't—a woman's body could be quite the weapon on certain missions. Would Kakashi leave her afterwards? She fought with her emotions and thoughts, rubbing her temples as the anxiety built up; it was a battle she had severely underestimated. She needed a change in her life—she knew this. She yearned for Kakashi. But in the pit of her stomach, she was terrified by the thought of any commitment. Of happiness. Of stability. The fear of being left alone ran deep within her veins, and was woven into her very soul. She took a deep breath. She owed it to herself, and to him, to try. Wiping the damp hair from her face and dropping her towel, she opened the door before she could think any more about it.

Kakashi had given up on reading his book. He couldn't believe how distracted he was by the thought of Koishii taking a shower in his home. He felt a little childish, honestly, and more than once thought of going in. He heard the bathroom door open and shut, and looked over towards the entrance to the hall, waiting for her step out, wondering what she wanted to do next.

He was shocked when he saw her, his eyes wide.

It wasn't what he had expected. It was what he wanted, but not what he expected. He stood up, taking the sight of her in: she was beautiful, her body perfectly curvy. He stood up, locking eyes with her. He could tell that she was anxious, so of course, he would be the one to help her settle down. He slid his mask down and smiled gently at her. She smiled softly back, and they both approached each other. Kakashi cupped his hands around her face, and planted his lips onto hers. Koishii wrapped her arms around him, kissing him back, the tension fading.

Koishii stared at herself in the bathroom mirror as Kakashi walked out; she felt like she needed to clean up after just being with him; she was still trying to fathom it all. It had been wonderful, and she felt that she could more easily take the next step with him now. She took in one last deep breath before heading out the door to join Kakashi.

Koishii returned to his bedroom, shamelessly going through his closet, and commandeered one of his shirts. Kakashi watched her, uncaring as he also pulled out a shirt and dressed himself. He made his way to the bed and laid down, opening the covers invitingly for Koishii to join him. She looked at him gingerly and smiled, climbing in next to him. Kakashi wrapped his arms around her as she reached over and turned out the lights, still completely content to be near him like this. She wasn't sure she'd ever get over this feeling. The feeling of being whole.

Kakashi waited anxiously outside of the main building of Konoha, hoping that the Hokage would show mercy and allow her to stay. He couldn't bear losing her again. Not after last night. He shoved his hand in his pocket, bringing his book to his face as he tried to read the pages without success. He sensed Koishii's presence behind him, and turned to see her leaning against a tree, her ankles crossed, her arms crossed, and her head down with her eyes closed. She was still wearing his long-sleeves blue shirt despite it being a little too big, and her shorts and leggings with her house boots. "So, what did he say?" Kakashi asked, putting his book away and taking a step towards her. "It seems I'll be allowed to stay, seeing as how I'm a valuable asset, and helped thwart Orochimaru. However...." She opened her eyes and looked up at him, her face it's normal expressionless self. "However...?" "It seems that you'll have to continue to be my babysitter for my one-year probation period." Kakashi smiled, relieved to hear that he would be allowed to stay with her. From now on. "You know, it'd sure be a lot easier on me to watch you if stayed at my place," Kakashi suggested slightly playfully. Koishii smirked, "well, luckily for you, I am getting pretty tired of living in hotels and tents." Kakashi smiled, and approached her, kissing her lightly through his mask. "Let's go home," he said, reaching for her hand. Koishii smiled sincerely and nodded, intertwining her fingers with his, "home."

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